Rise of Typhons:2869

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by The Marksman, Aug 7, 2022.

  1. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin

    Rise of the Typhons is a Space Opera about family drama, morality and a dark mystery that will shatter the fragile peace between two Superpowers. Join Adam Carter, a smuggler ne'er do well- with his trusted partner Miss Fox -he'll steal, smash and stealth his way through this burgeoning nightmare, follow his path from reluctant hero to galactic savior. Or shape it, guiding him towards your own desires. Do you want to restore the Carter name to greatness? Or put your sister and mother in chains at your feet? Are you a man or monster? Savior or slayer? Loyal to one or loyal to none? But be warned, not all paths lead to happy endings. For the galaxy is dark place, and you should always 'beware of shiny things'.


    Full disclosure. I lifted the idea for this right out of 2869 Lust in Space. Normally I'd consider adding to that story, but its so hard for me to find characters unless I start at the beginning and if I don't have the character's voices, then I pretty much lose the story.

    I plan to keep this story private for the time being, time permitting I'll update daily. I plan to carve out the main path first, then add each branch to the characters don't act the same no matter your choices. There will be some very dark ideas explored here. Including violence and probably rape if I can stomach it. Conditional variables will be added later, to make it more game like.

    I also have plans for at least one spin off a planned ending set 100 years down the road. I hope I get to it eventually. Thank you all so much for reading this and if you have chosen to read my scribbles, thanks much for that as well. Best of luck on your future projects and I'm always happy to hear your thoughts, even if I can't always take your suggestions.

    Be well,
    The Marksman

    PS. It feels super weird to make this entire thread. On the one hand, I HATE it when author's communicate with the reader in their stories (outside of the narrative), it feels so self aggrandizing, but then, so does this. I guess I really don't like the attention. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my story and apologies for my personality.
    Iam_DickMan and TheLowKing like this.
  2. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    Your introduction is great. Dramatic, hinting repeatedly at a much larger universe, and giving just enough for the reader to go on.

    Honestly (and possibly uselessly), I have no real qualms with your writing. I'm halfway through chapter 3, and it's just very good. Two small things, though.

    One, if this were a published novel, either on paper or the 'e' variety, your chapters would be a fine length, but on CHYOA, the conventional wisdom is that shorter chapters are better. Internet people and their limited attention spans, you know? Each chapter (that I've read so far) consists of a number of sections, and (some of) those would be reasonable points to split them up. Too late for published chapters, but maybe an idea for future ones.

    Two, you should use the rich text editor or straight Markdown for your formatted text. Use *Emphasis* instead of UPPERCASE, and particularly, proper horizontal bars instead of just spamming a bunch of underscores, which is pretty ugly if they overflow onto a second line, like they do on my screen.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
    Iam_DickMan likes this.
  3. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin

    Greetings and Salutations friends!

    Chances are if you're reading this, you just survived Thiidian. Hope you enjoyed the ride so far.

    The reason I'm reaching out to you directly is two fold, one is to inform you that we have reached the end of my initial outline. Wait! Before you kill me, I swear I didn't start this story without having a general outline, ie, I know where the main story is going to go. The good news is we are about 20-30% of the way there, the bad news is, I need some time to work on the back end stuff in order to make it all work. We don't want to end up with a Last Jedi-Rise of Skywalker situation. This means my publishing pace will suffer. Sorry about that. I'll try and still get out at least one chapter per week. Don't worry about this one being abandoned, I promise I'm having as much fun writing it, as you are (presumably if you clicked the link) reading it.

    The other bit of news is a few things I've learned while I was writing, such as how hard it is to balance three simultaneous love interests without relying on porn tropes, well at least not entirely on porn tropes. There just isn't enough time for three different women to all have their moments. Frankly I don't know how Mormons do it. Another thing I noticed is how clumsily I wrote those first few chapters, I'm really hoping I can find time to rewrite those once we finish the main story. So if you hate them, well....you're not alone.

    Finally I just want to say thank you for reading. It is a tremendous source of joy to share an idea with someone and and discover they are as enamored with it as you are.

    Do you have a favorite character? A least favorite chapter? Like the story? Hate it? Hate me? Let me know below.

    Be well,
    The Marksman
    Iam_DickMan likes this.
  4. muiyek

    muiyek Virgin

    First of all; this site has a forum? Been reading stories here for years and I never knew.

    I have loved the story so far. Honestly the speed you've been cranking out chapters has been impressive and not something I'd expect anyone to be able to sustain long term, you shouldn't feel you need to apologize about slowing down.

    Balancing the screen time of the heroines in a harem story is a struggle a lot of writers have. My only advice would be to let characters fade in and out of the spotlight rather than trying to force equal focus on everyone. So long as they aren't completely forgotten there isn't anything to be lost by a character taking a backseat for a while if needed.

    Do you have a favorite character? Miss Fox has me intrigued.
    Least favourite chapter? The bad ending chapter was a tad disorienting in a story that otherwise doesn't branch.
    Like the story? Yes.
    Hate it? No.
    Hate you? Only for naming characters numerically. Remembering which crisis-(insert number) was which was pure suffering. I understand the de-humanizing intent of the numerical names, but that doesn't have the same narrative weight when they're also perspective characters, at least in my opinion. :D

    Anyway best of luck with the next arc of the story. I look forward to it eagerly.
    Iam_DickMan likes this.
  5. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin


    First of all, I fucking hated those last two chapters (Well behaved women). I literally rewrote them multiple times and published them multiple times after that and I still barely have the ideas and prose where I want it. I'm leaving it alone for now, and I've published the next chapter where they merge together. The story will have branching variables, which will coalescence into four or main paths, each variable affecting the ending you get. At least that's the hope. Right now there's one dead end and a 24 chapter long slog.

    So if you're actually interested in the story and plot (which, lets be honest, you wouldn't be reading this if you weren't) I strongly recommend you reread the previous chapter before moving forward.

    Going back to my self-hatred for a moment, if anyone has an abundance of free time and would like to torture themselves as a proof reader/soundboard, please message me here or privately on the main site. Its not a fun job, but it wouldn't be for every chapter.

    Lastly, if you read 'Si vis pacem, para bellum' you can probably guess which romantic relationship I'll be focusing on for the next few chapters. In the spirit of democracy, lets have a fun poll that will in no way affect what gets written.

    How do you feel about the Cindi and Sam pairing?

    A. OMG its so cute, I like totally ship them.
    B. Meh, its fine. Just here for the pictures anyway
    C. Laaaaaaaaaaame
    D. Gays should be sent to death camps.

    PS. Now that we are traveling a bit more in the galaxy, would it be helpful to see the map I made for my own internal consistency. Be warned its truly horrific, but it is consistent and detailed.
    TheLowKing likes this.
  6. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    I'm only at chapter 17 so far, but I've noticed the light telegraphing, and I'm definitely here for it. Love me some gals being pals.

    I don't think it's necessary for readers. To me, the story is not about the geography the characters have to traverse, but about their respective inner journeys, and their interactions with each other.
  7. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    Heads up: your image host appears to be down.
  8. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    I'm all caught up, finally! The story continues to be excellent. I have only two small points of criticism:

    Most writers cut away from the action too late. They let scenes linger past the relevant events, or start it too early. In extreme cases, writers try to account for every second of every day, slowing the pace down to a crawl. This story does the opposite: it sometimes cuts away just slightly too early, leading to disorientation, at least for me.

    Also, you have a lot of shared text between branches. I like reading every branch in turn, and when I see a bunch of paragraphs that are identical to a parallel chapter I've already read, my eyes glaze over, and I miss the (possibly crucial?) differences between them. If identical text between two chapters were just be merged into a single chapter, and the differences between them put in wholly (or at least mostly) different chapters, then your readers don't have to sift the new from the old.

    Oh, P.S. I'm really enjoying all the small references to other sci fi stories!
  9. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin


    Firstly thanks for reading and commenting. I'm touched. Truly.

    I really appreciated your earlier comments and incorporated them where ever possible. I normally wouldn't ask, but would you mind being specific as to which parts are not clear? Its very important, because as the author I have all the information, so its not always easy to see what makes sense and what doesn't as I'm dribbling it out to you.

    As to your second comment, what I'm going for as we get deeper and deeper into the story is a slowly diverging novel. That is to say, the two chapters 'Do it' and 'Don't do it' are nearly identical (except for the porno, that's pretty different) by design. It's a little unfair to you and muiyek and everyone else who's been reading along thus far, because its not meant to be read like this.

    By the time I'm finished, it will be crucial that you use conditional variables, and read the story from beginning to end*. While there won't be a ton of choices, every decision you make will have an impact. Some will lead to other branches of the story (there's an option where Adam DOESN'T take the Strand with him from Gorgo at all) some will add conditional variables that block off or open up choices further down the line. All of it building to at least eight distinct endings on this path alone, with minor variations depending on who lives and dies based on your decisions.

    This does mean that anyone reading now is going to roll their eyes and say, ugh, I JUST read that, but in the future, its going to lead to a rich, well connected (I hope) narrative.

    *Unless you're just here for the porn, then you do whatever you feel like! I got you, bro.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2022
  10. Jkuggg

    Jkuggg Virgin

    Finding good writers here are tough, congratulations on being one of them. That being said, are you going to continue writing, if not can you at least recommend other good writers or stories?
  11. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin

    Hola Mi Amigos,

    Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth. I had some stuff IRL that kept me occupied. Health issues mostly. I hope to get back on schedule this week with plot related chapters.

    I dropped a chapter of pure smut, just for fun for you. I actually wrote it a long time ago, and it doesn't even go where I put it, but that's that. It's an extended version of a previous chapter that ends very differently.
    Dissonant Soundtrack likes this.
  12. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin

    Kon'nichiwa bitches!

    Good News Everyone!

    We're halfway there and thank Ra for that. This thing has been a fucking slog. I love it like one of my children, but sometimes I wish it would fall of the edge of the Earth and be gone forever...like one of my children. I digress. How have you been enjoying the story so far? Have any interesting theories to share? Or questions you'd like to discuss? Are you praying for a happy ending for our (very) loving family? Want to speculate below how this all shakes out? You'll have plenty of time, because....

    Bad News Everyone!

    I'm abandoning the story!

    Kidding. Just kidding. I really do love writing it. Promise. But I am going to stop PUBLISHING the story until I have the entire back end, including all main branching paths and endings complete. Not kidding.

    Why am I doing this?

    It's because I love you, dear reader. And I love surprising people with gifts. I think the heart of every good story is in its ability to surprise it's audience. I want you to have the full experience. Feel the weight of your choices. BTW, YOU WILL NEED TO TURN ON GAME MODE IN THE FUTURE. I want you to be able to play, from beginning to end, branching each path, seeing the consequences play out for every decision. Are you a good man? Too good to use that nasty Strand, right? Of course, integrity won't give you the power you need to protect your loved ones against the Crisis. And I guess when the world burns that will have to be someone else's problem.

    Or maybe you're comfortable with getting your hands dirty. It's a dark galaxy and a man's got to make his way, right? If you do decide to step across that line of black and white to get what you need, don't let me stop you. But be careful, there's a funny thing about black and white - you mix it together and you get gray. And it doesn't matter how much white you try and put back in, you're never gonna get anything but gray.

    And finally, to the wolves among my flock. I see you. I know you. There is no need to hide what you are. It is you I love most of all, if only because no one else will. You walk a dark path, my friends. A lonely path. Power cannot keep you warm at night, nor will it fill the emptiness inside. You forged your own way in this world, wrote your name in great and terrible deeds. Always looking forward, never back. In the end, you'll get what you wanted, if not what you deserve. Remember, when God seeks to punish us, he answers our prayers.

    I'll keep you updated.
    Happy Reading

    P.S. - Oh and for my friends who are only reading for the 'articles'...well for one, why are you watching this glorified blog? But I haven't forgotten you either. In fact you'll be the most rewarded, I intend to publish some teases and side chapters while I work the main branches in secret. Hint, they'll be some sex involved. Enjoy your filth, fellow perverts.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2022
  13. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin

    Insert random greeting here,

    That week went by fast and I'm ashamed to say, I only got two chapters done (but not published, cause as I said, not publishing story chapters until its ALL done). By my guess, the total chapters to be written across all branches is ...sixty. (fuck me, wish I hadn't counted) Well, here's to fifty eight more.

    One thing you may have noticed recently come online, is a chapter selector, that lets you choose your place in the novel and what variables you want selected. I am inordinately proud of that, so if there's a much easier smarter way to do it, please shut and keep it to yourself. JK, let me know, obviously. Right now, the farthest reaching links don't go anywhere, but in the future, they should make it easy (and fun?) to select your place in the story if you want to check out the different paths without rereading literally everything.

    I also want to publish an index/glossary/light encyclopedia. Part 1 will cover everything including spoilers up to the halfway point. Part 2 (to be published with the ending) will cover the rest. So that's fun.

    Finally, pic from an upcoming chapter. It could technically be considered a spoiler, so don't go clicking recklessly.


    ^What the fuck is going on with her?^
  14. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin

    Merry Christmas!

    Another chapter completed, not counting the Index I which I just published. Below is an excerpt from a future sex scene. I plan to finish at least two more (plot related) chapters before the end of the week, but then nothing until January.

    Porn spoilers, but not plot spoilers in the link. CAYOR.

  15. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin

    Hey Friends,

    Slow going. The chapters I want to write are mostly major character development stuff which I'm really struggling with. I feel like I finally found the correct balance of change and development in Adam's character, but at the same time, now I'm worried i haven't developed him on the first half on RotT enough. So it's been a lot of rewrites and not a lot of progress. I put the story down and tried to give myself a break for a week and that didn't help at all either, but last night I wrote one of the endings and found the song I wanted to pair with it, so that kind of fired me up a bit. By the by, all the endings will have a musical pairing that I hope you play and enjoy. Doesn't really help me with the stuck point I'm on, but I wanted to make some progress and it was nice to finish something for once. I may try picking another critical point, such as pinch two and working backwards from there. I did that before a couple times and it worked out.

    I'll keep grinding away.

    PS. Here's some pics I'm using in an upcoming scene, believe it or not on the 'good' path when a certain someone pisses Adam off. I'll let you decide who is who. And what she did. SPOILERS PORN



    And here's the song I found last night for an ending I'm calling 'The Good Fight'.

  16. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin

    Do you ever feel like you can't write unless you're thinking about something else? Sometimes I can just sit down and write. But a LOT of my favorite scenes and ideas have actually come from when I was doing something else, and my mind was unfocused. Anyway, I'm hard at work, wrote another chapter and some conversations, I think a realistic estimate would be ...summer. Sorry guys. I'll try not to die or anything before the big reveal, but it is what it is.

    As a side note, another thing I do sometimes is write other projects to give me a break from the current character and plots (which after writing, erasing, rewriting, erasing that new draft, then recovering the original draft only to heavily edit it and still hate it, I get kind of sick of). In that spirit, I give you 'Stand-in Wife'.

    Some observant readers might be thinking 'hey, isn't that ANOTHER of The Bully's old stories?' How many of that guys projects do you intend to pirate The Marksman?

    The answer is yes.



    PS. I plan to release one more spoiler link this week. What do you guys want? Plot or Porn?
    DaWriter and TheLowKing like this.
  17. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin

    Happy spring (assuming you live in the Global North),

    Still working away. Fun fact, it took me a month to write the plot section I linked below. The porn I cranked out in an hour. Just so we're clear on what's holding up production.

    First links are a super uninteresting conversation, between Adam and [redacted]. PLOT SPOILERS!! PLOT SPOILERS!! PLOT SPOILERS!!

    Second links are a sex scene between [redacted] and [redacted]. Not much plot spoilers, but some porn spoilers, obviously. I threw the whole sex scene in there, cause why not.





    The Marksman
  18. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin

    Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Hi!

    Oscar Wilde once said "Everything in the world is about sex, except for sex. Sex is about power."

    I think there's some truth to that, but I definitely know there's truth to this. If you grab a person by the hair, you believe you own them. And if they let you, they believe it too. I used to LOVE it when my Ex (not an ex, the Ex) would pull my hair during sex. It was like an unspoken bond between the two of us. You belong to me, I belong to you.

    Progress continues on the main plot. Still shooting for a summer release.

    Major plot spoilers are embedded in the link below. Also, some hot hair pulling sex scenes. Make your choice.

    I made a separate chapter for this, just cause I like how the gifs turned out. It will stay up until the 2nd half of RotT is released publicly then be removed.


    PS Should I be using less gifs, more gifs or have I hit the right balance. Truthfully, I spend a LOT of time trying to find the perfect pic, then I end up finding some really good ones that I want to use for other scenes and.... So what's your opinion. Gifs, are they an ingredient, a garnish or an entire meal. And do you think I've hit the sweet spot?

  19. DaWriter

    DaWriter Virgin

    I think you’ve done the right amount. At the very least any more and it would be more gif than story.
  20. DaWriter

    DaWriter Virgin

    Just checking up on you. Haven't heard from in a while.