So what do you find attractive in a woman?

Discussion in 'General Board' started by FallenSaint, Aug 20, 2015.


What is your turn on with a woman?

  1. Ass

    8 vote(s)
  2. Breasts

    11 vote(s)
  3. Face

    13 vote(s)
  4. Hips

    2 vote(s)
  5. Personality?

    10 vote(s)
  6. Other

    5 vote(s)
  1. Philanthropist

    Philanthropist Experienced

    Well, there's kind of two questions here- and that's reflected in the answers.

    I mean, if you look at a woman across a crowded room, or look at her silhouette, or her photograph- you might well find her "attractive" without knowing a thing about her personality. Or possibly even being able to see some parts of her.

    It's quite another thing if you're spending a week or more in their company and sleeping with them every night.

    Physically, I've liked a lot of features about various women I've had relationships with; I wouldn't have said anything in particular was going to put me off. Physically _or_ in terms of personality. This woman has amazing breasts but is a little overweight. This one has fantastic skin and gorgeous hair, but is skinny as a rail. This one has a lovely figure, but an annoying voice. They're all beautiful. And I told them so. And I wasn't lying.

    I mean, good gravy, it's not like I'm physically perfect; who am I to define someone entirely by a few physical flaws? The people we're in a relationship with *should* make us feel good about ourselves.

    And pretty much the same with personality. A short temper, but a great sense of humor. Tremendous wit, but an inability to be introspective. A good listener, but not terribly energetic or ambitious. (Oh, wait, that's me.)

    I voted "breasts". I like breasts (I think most heterosexual guys do, to varying degrees), and I think if a woman has large, firm breasts on a healthy body, that's probably going to make the lizard part of my brain stop and go "wow." Hopefully without obviously gawking, by this stage of my life.

    But it doesn't mean a woman with gorgeous skin and piercing eyes and lustrous hair and toned legs and a musical voice and a great laugh- but a flat chest- is somehow going to go unnoticed, if you get what I mean. And it doesn't mean I'm prone to reducing people to one feature to the dismissal of all others. I could give a list of features that I imagine I would find beautiful, and you could introduce a woman who had none of those features, and it's still entirely possible I would find her attractive.
  2. FallenSaint

    FallenSaint Really Really Experienced

    I agree that it is often more than one point about a woman that makes her attractive. In just a general look, I normally look for a nice ass. (My wife and I both do in fact.) But I do find breasts, legs, and facial features attractive as well. I've been with several women with large breasts and they can be very fun, but I actually had a woman I worked with that was very slim, almost no ass or breasts, and she was down right gorgeous to look at. My wife listened to me talk about how beautiful and sexy this girl was, and immediately looked her up on facebook. Next thing I know, my wife is begging me to get her number and invite her over.

    Generally I'm more interested in women that while not obese, still have plenty of meat on them. Skinny girls don't usually look healthy to me and while I may find then attractive to look at, I'm not necessarily turned on. This girl at work was one of the few exceptions. She had medium length hair (I usually prefer long), was a little shorter than me, and thin as a rail. What I liked about her more than her looks those was her personality. She was spunky, fun, and at times a little crazy. If a friend hadn't stopped us, I was about to get a hand full of tits right on the work floor with her permission. (In my defense, she had been teasing me mercilessly by waiting until I was watching and either groping her tits in front of me or twerking to the music... Also, my wife gave me full permission after I told her two days earlier than this event what she was doing.)

    At the place I work now, I'm working with two girls that are both a little on the heavy side, but very attractive. One has a great ass while the other has nice tits. I find them both nice to look at, but in all honesty I'm not really turned on by either of them that much because of their personalities as well.
    gscmar64 and gene.sis like this.
  3. gscmar64

    gscmar64 Really Experienced

    For me it's a face. I don't care about their body cause if i can't stand to look at the woman then I'm not going to be anywhere near them to find out about their body or personality!
  4. FallenSaint

    FallenSaint Really Really Experienced

    I can understand this completely. There has been more than one occasion where my wife and I were checking out a nice ass (At least an 8 in our way of thinking) and when the woman turned around, you would have almost thought she was a dude if it wasn't for the chest.... I hate to judge someone by their face alone, but it is difficult to get past that sometimes.
    gscmar64 likes this.
  5. RadioGalaxy

    RadioGalaxy Really Experienced

    Im strange in that typically I hate everyone I meet unless im forced to spend time with them and we become friends. Its to do with my mental issues, and it makes it a bit hard to meet women. In my head my ideal woman is a bit shorter than me, smarter than me, and someone I don't despise when we talk. Apart from that my standards are very low.
    gscmar64 likes this.
  6. MILFWanker

    MILFWanker Virgin

    Personally I find a woman's face the most important part. I'm aware that sounds soft, but if an ugly hag with a broken nose has a nice ass, I'm not going to be able to stare at said ass without being distracted by an unattractive face. There are some things I hate, though, like personally I don't find makeup very attractive, because even though women claim to look bad without it, I've yet to be attracted to any woman based off of her makeup. Mahoosive tits and asses are forbidden by me, too. If they're unrealistic, I'll not be able to imagine them as people, but barbie dolls, which, believe it or not, I don't find so sexy.
    So in summary: face good, tonnes of makeup bad, fake tits and ass bad, and I've never liked really tall or really muscular women either. Fat women, too, is just a turn off. People say you should be proud of being fat and all, but it isn't something to be proud of, as it does end your own life, make you look unattractive and force you to live a painful and difficult lifestyle.
    gscmar64 likes this.