Planned Some way to see how many bookmarks are on a chapter

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Control Freak, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. Control Freak

    Control Freak Virgin

    I would really like a way to see how many bookmarks have been put on a chapter, similar to the like and comment indicators on the Story Map. Currently, you are only told how many bookmarks have been put on the story as a whole. If you want to know how many of those bookmarks are on a single chapter, the author has to go through their notifications to find them, which is both tedious and impractical. Bookmarks are a really good way of seeing which chapters people want continued or more options for, so an easy and simple way to see which chapters have been bookmarked, and how many times, would be incredibly helpful for writers to determine which branches should be prioritized.
    TheLowKing, drek, Hvast and 15 others like this.
  2. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    This gets my +1
  3. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    I'm just gonna bump this because I have 17 bookmarks on my Inside The Game story, I've got no idea where they are, and it's driving me nuts...
  4. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    That number has now risen from 17 to 71, spread out over a total of 314 chapters, and I'm like 99.9999% sure that the distribution is nothing close to even. (Actually, it's straight up 100% sure because I happen to know AT LEAST five of them are on the Introduction alone: its the REST, and what percentage of those 71 are from the introduction and what might be useful data if I could just see where they were, that's keeping me up tonight...)
  5. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Going to agree with this, there are 123 bookmarks in Lois Lane's Night Out, but it's spread over 300+ chapters at this point.
    Nemo of Utopia likes this.
  6. 229

    229 Experienced

    Agreed, given that this is something people use to save their place, it's super important to see where people are paying attention to.
    Nemo of Utopia and DoAdventures like this.
  7. HaremStarter

    HaremStarter Really Experienced

    Bump this for consideration. Bookmarks are a close second to likes so this would be most helpful in determining what chapters get some love.
  8. Durzan

    Durzan Really Experienced

    Agreed. Gets a +1 from me.

    VTOLMAN Virgin

    Bump on an old thread, but I'd also really like this
  10. geezermcpleezer

    geezermcpleezer Experienced

    Yeah, more visibility for something that's already tracked seems like a good idea