Someones Cheating

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Perversion, Jan 16, 2016.

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  1. capace

    capace Virgin

    Chyoa is a fun hobby. I never claimed to be a professional writer.

    Some of you are so entitled it isn't even funny.
  2. Polo33

    Polo33 Virgin

    Let's see how many people have the balls to replie now that you have told the truth. We had nothing to do with downvoting.

    Ms Shabby's stories have been getting downvoted purely out of spite.
  3. Shadow Rising

    Shadow Rising Virgin

    Capace comes back from successful shoulder surgery and this is the thanks that he gets. I would like to see some of you try to type after that injury.

    You all sound like nerdy school children upset that some people are more popular than you. Absolutely nothing wrong with the writing of either Ms Shabby or Capace.

    Some of you might not like the topics. That is fine.

    You aren't his intended audience. He even put a note telling you who the Saturdays were. All you had to do was YouTube them, but no to lazy to even do that.

    Opinions are like assholes. We don't like some of the nerdy topics you lot write about. Clearly Chyoa is full of assholes.

    I don't know who downvoted your work. It may or may not be one of our friends, but I know that we never asked them to do it. I hate the downvote button part of the reason that I refuse to put my work up on Chyoa.

    If you look at the early votes for Becumming the Saturdays and Making of the Niddersluts the votes don't match up. This is because they both had a lot of threads deleted on Chyoo, but the votes carried over.

    Oh look Capace's work suddenly downvoted without a response. Fast track bully's and cowards.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
  4. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Hi capace and friends! Welcome to the conversation! Where do you guys come from? Is it another story site or group?
  5. Blonde Angel

    Blonde Angel Virgin

    The most sensible thing said yet. Capace was working on bringing some British female writers across.

    Some of whom the Chyoa readers having been getting to know following and messaging us. Ms Shabby is a very attractive girl who has posted her own picture. If this gains more upvotes or likes who cares.

    We had a lot of likes and up votes, before we brought our friends in. Your a bunch of hypocrites crying about been downvoted. A troll was following Ms Shabby downvoting her and forcing her. Clearly one of you is the prime suspect.
  6. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Now I take issue with upvoting based on the attractiveness of the writer. That has no bearing on whether a story is enjoyable or not.
  7. Blonde Angel

    Blonde Angel Virgin

    Oh look a decent guy. Most of us are from England.

    Capace has been a member of Chyoo for over ten years, before some of the whiners. Way to much jealously in this thread. He use to write on all the British websites, before they got taken down. He has work on C-s-s-a, xnxx stories and even Literotica just under a different name when he lived in Amercia.

    Funny how when everyone thought that he was American he got nothing but praise.

    Not one of you had the decency to private message one of us. Instead you went behind our backs.

    Some of the personal Insults are quite disturbing. You don't know either Capace or Ms Shabby, and quite frankly they wouldn't want to know some of you.
  8. Blonde Angel

    Blonde Angel Virgin

    I doubt her attractvivness had that much impact. Ms Shabby had plenty of likes before the pictures were implemented onto the site
  9. Shadow Rising

    Shadow Rising Virgin

    I take severe issues with a sweet young girl been forced out of a hobby that she loves, because some jokers on the internet got jealous.

    The quality of both Ms Shabby's and Capace's work is not in doubt. Some of the sex scences are far hotter than anything most of the whiners have ever written. Obviously a lot of people agree look at the votes.
    Big D Angel, capace and Ramon like this.
  10. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Well having a supportive fanbase certainly explains the high level of upvotes. I don't think the CHYOA community is that big that this sort of influx would go unnoticed. I hope all the negative downvoting dies down though. It undermines the purpose of the listings if things boil down to an 'us vs them' popularity contest.
  11. Shadow Rising

    Shadow Rising Virgin

    Most websites have gotten rid of the down vote button it is a unnecessary evil. Lose the button reset every story to 100% then take it from there.

    Actually that wouldn't stop the bitching, because Ms Shabby and Capace would still have the most votes. I am just glad that Capace deleted his other two stories or people would really bitch about him.

    I know for a fact that Capace has never downvoted anybodys work. He hates the whole concept of it.
    Big D Angel, capace and Ramon like this.
  12. Ramon

    Ramon Virgin

    I think I just found the biggest asshole on the internet. How the fuck do you know if Capace ever had anything published or not?

    It is not his fault that you keep getting denied. Obviously your work isn't up to stracth.

    The thing I find most disturbing is that a administrator liked it without even hearing both sides. If Chyoa is resorting to taky porn advertising than surely it is only a matter of time before it gets shut down.
    Blonde Hottie, Big D Angel and capace like this.
  13. capace

    capace Virgin

    Yarkoz really is a obnoxious jerk. I don't care if you like my stories or how many votes they got. I do take issue with losers picking on Ms Shabby.

    I have gained plenty of praise for my coaching work on both sides of the pond for the last twenty years plus gaining a lot of friends. I have a highly successful career that I love. Friends and family.

    With your attitude I am not surprised that you keep getting rejected. Keep your jealously away from my friends.
    Blonde Hottie and Big D Angel like this.
  14. Big D Angel

    Big D Angel Virgin

    What is all the commontion about?

    Ms Shabby and Capace have real life friends something a lot of you have never possessed. This is like the nerd and Jock reversal with the nerds bullying the Jocks over the internet, but the Jocks won't let it lie.

    Popularity will always bring haters. Peace my brothers.
    Blonde Hottie likes this.
  15. Big D Angel

    Big D Angel Virgin

    Ms Shabby's work is fairly new and some of it will not cater to a American audience. Post your work on a British site and see which gets most views. Oh that's right most of the best British sites got taken down.

    I don't like that a great guy and veteran writer is getting railroaded out of Chyoa by some jealous hypocrites. When he is far more talented than most of you in every aspect of life.
    Blonde Hottie likes this.
  16. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

    Oh noes, peoples on the internets said that I'm a jerk with no friends who can't write and hates British people because I'm American. Whatever shall I do, wherever shall I go?! Oh Rhett!!


    Jeez. Guys, knock it off. I'm not impressed by your up-vote jacking and collective back-slapping in the face of adversity or whatever, and I'm not impressed by your taunts. Have fun feeling important on the internet. It's always been a road to great success in life.
    FallenSaint likes this.
  17. Big D Angel

    Big D Angel Virgin

    Yet it is you who comes across has a whiny racist little jerk.
  18. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

  19. Big D Angel

    Big D Angel Virgin

    If I told you I was black what kind of personal remarks would you try and insult me with. Ms Shabby was a small Brown Asian girl and you helped force her off Chyoa.
  20. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

    Oookay. Look, obviously there's other unresolved issues here that I'm not even going to speculate about. I didn't know anything about your or Capace's or Ms. Shabby's or anyone else's heritage or ethnicity until you mentioned anything about it (Americans being interested in obscure British pops bands is not heard of for example), and you don't know anything about mine. All I have taken issue with is the apparent vote-jacking going on, and that's all I'm going to stick with, and anything else you superimpose onto that is something completely unrelated to the topic at hand. I'm done, have fun, so long.
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