The future of CHYOA (or at least the funding)

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Friedman, Dec 1, 2022.

  1. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    If you create an account today and confirm your email address, you will have full access to all content. There is no longer a time minimum.

    If you no longer see a story, it has been deleted by the story owner (not CHYOA).

    I'm happy to check stories or chapters and give you more details if you send me a link that no longer works.

    CHYOA, meaning the moderators or I, do not delete stories. We will put them in the locked state and the author can fix the problem. The story or chapter will then be unlocked again.
    TheLowKing likes this.
  2. zankoo

    zankoo Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I feel like this should be a pinned post or something -- it very clearly answers several common questions (even more common after the short window of time during which there were restrictions on content). Super helpful summary, Friedman -- thank you!
    Friedman likes this.
  3. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    But also maybe people should read the literal last post in the thread before posting a question answered by exactly that post.
  4. Keldin

    Keldin Virgin

    This should seriously be pinned, also are there any other threads or something with more of info?

    I saw people referencing past things like the lists and account age but didn't see anything in here about them prior to that.

    Like how'd we swing Mind Control back but not the others?

    Or whats the status on the word list thing, I saw "humiliation" and "degradation" are on it but like half the stories on here are ENF?

    Last question, the stories that get "locked", are they still readily findable/display regularly when browsing?

    Uncertain on if some of the stories are gone, hidden, or just buried without the now banned tags

    My memories not the best so idk how much user error might be involved there either lol
  5. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Would it be worthwhile to swap the problem words with euphemisms instead of blanking them out? Instead of rape, use grape or something like that? You see on YouTube and TikTok where they swap words so they can stay monetized. it could just be a filter for non-registered guests and those with accounts will get full access.
  6. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    I think I've seen this commercial.
    majus likes this.
  7. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

  8. TwentyFore

    TwentyFore Virgin

    I have created an account only recently. While my threads have gotten MANY Likes (& it appears that I have the option to add to them), I have gotten no Email beyond the "Welcome...".

    Also, when I go to the site, I see a pop-up 1, but choosing "Show all..." tells me that I have nothing! That's simply not possible!
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2024
  9. It's been about a year now since SubscribeStar. How has it been so far?
  10. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    So far so good! We've recovered almost 90% of our Patreon revenue. Communication with SubscribeStar is good. We had withdrawal problems for the last two months, but that has now been resolved. SubscribeStar goes to great lengths.

    Thanks to everyone who has subscribed on SubscribeStar. I'm very grateful to you!
    grimbous, gene.sis and chris_brown like this.
  11. I think it would be hilarious and also really good if CHYOA use a word swap instead of just removing the words. But also make the words really out there so its painfully obvious what is going on. Rape = tomfoolery. Incest = home cookin. Etc.
    Friedman likes this.
  12. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Home cooking is a hilarious allusion.
    Friedman likes this.
  13. I'm quite new here, I did create an account about a month ago or so and been reading stories.
    I write things myself and I been considering posting them, but I'm unsure about some things still.
    From what I read here I thought I needed an account with confirmed e-mail adres to be able to see the full site again, but searching for terms such as 'slave' or 'degrade' still come up with nothing. Did I misunderstand the posts made here?
  14. timmy80

    timmy80 Virgin

    Everything was working fine and I had access to all of the stories, but today I checked and I can no longer search or look at forbidden categories as well as all of my bookmarked stories in those categories have stopped working. I do have an account with a confirmed e-mail that is quite old at this point. Is there something I am missing.
  15. Having this same problem, but my account is under a year old and I'm unsure if I've verified my email, and I'm not really sure how to confirm if it is or not, and there's nothing to resend an email.