The Life of Simone Stewart

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Kineticat, Nov 22, 2020.

  1. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    The last of rest stop is up, enjoy!
  2. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    I'm trying to decide which path to continue next. There's Austin, home after rest stop, home after revenge or I guess the client branch off porn is possible? I guess there are older paths I could explore too. I'll be back to writing as soon as I make up my mind lol!
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
  3. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    OK. I'm back to switching back and forth on two branches until one captures my attention enough to focus on.
  4. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    I know the characters are getting plentiful so I added a character notes chapter so folks can keep track a bit easier. Be happy, y'all got two chapters out of me on Christmas :)
  5. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    I'm beginning to feel like I'm writing just to post chapters and that's causing me to create a lot of 'fluff' or 'filler' material. I'm going to slow down a bit and see if that doesn't help some.
  6. Greyrock

    Greyrock Really Experienced

    You’ve been writing at an impressive pace. You could probably use a palate cleanser, whether that is slowing down, taking a break, or contributing a few chapters to a different project.
  7. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    Yeah. I've been pushing myself pretty hard to add content but at times I'm not sure what to do so I start a new branch or just create conversation. . . have I mentioned how much I enjoy writing conversation? ;)

    I think I need to sit back for a bit and figure out where I want to go rather than just poking the story and trying to get it to move :)
  8. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    I figured it was time to check in since I’ve neglected this for a bit. I’m working at the moment to finish a short branch in Waitress right now but I intend to pick Simone back up soon. It’s just a matter of deciding exactly which way I want to pull her next.

    it isn’t that I have no ideas, I may have too many to be honest. So I’d appreciate a bit of patience assuming anyone is still reading this.
    Greyrock likes this.
  9. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    OK. I'm at a good place to set Waitress aside. That means I'm open to a new project and there is a very good chance that'll be coming back to Simone. My problem is that I have a lot of paths open with her and don't have a firm idea which one I want to travel down. For my own benefit, I'm going to drop a few ideas here:

    1) There is the open 'Austin' branch. I've shied away from it because, with all the guns around, it feels like violence will come up quickly and I'm really bad at writing that.
    2) There is the 'normal' Simone branch (off revenge). This would continue with the apartment inspection, then she'd have to deal with how to help Kat get in the business (the Brett choices or another way) and she also gets to deal with the 'mtg' guys at times (Tyler could provide some interesting non-company options). This could get interesting.
    3) The 'saucy' Simone branch (off rest stop). This one starts immediately with dealing with Marsha and the professor's 'offer' and then would branch from there depending on how that went. It could get busy depending on what the agreement there is.
    4) I could jump all the way back to '31.1 Pick Your Porn' and do the plain vanilla business scene. I have absolutely no idea where that would lead.
    5) I could just slum for a while and couple of earlier choices that stayed linear and program in some bad endings.

    See? Lot's of choices here I'm just at a loss for which to run with. The moment I figure that out is the moment I start writing on it again. Assuming of course I don't get sidetracked on something else :)
  10. Greyrock

    Greyrock Really Experienced

    For what it is worth, the Kat branch feels like it has the most momentum behind it, but that might just be because I read those last!

    Bad ends would be interesting, too. If Firebox caught her breaching contract she could be in a tougher situation. The Austin branch looks ripe for a bad end as well. Do you have a sense of how you want to handle the bad ends? They are an interesting writing challenge and worth exploring.

    Another detail I’d like to know more about is Simone’s experience with anal sex. She kinda passed out during the porn shoot. It’s an interesting mystery to me if she actually enjoyed it or not. Was it just overwhelming? Was she having a primal reaction? Will seeing the footage affect her? Does not remembering it make watching the video feel strange to her? Does the part if it where she is unconscious look like non-con? Does it feel voyeuristic to be watching herself? Does it turn her on? Does it make her curious to try it again?

    I’m also curious about what Simone’s fantasies are. She clearly thinks many of the people she is having sex with are unsavory and she has a good head on her shoulders for navigating the sexual encounters in ways that she can live with. But I find myself wondering what kind of guy or sex she actually is actually excited by. Does she have a FWB, an exbf, or a crush out there? I think the contrast of what she thinks she wants or what she had before vs what she is getting now would be enlightening. Maybe in a story branch she has a random encounter or a client that she catches feelings for and it upsets her ability to feel like her new lifestyle is going to work for her. Maybe that is a bad end in its own way.

    I hope that all made sense and some of that is helpful for spinning out some more ideas!
    Gadgetdawg and Kineticat like this.
  11. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    The Kat branch probably has the most momentum because it's the one I worked on last. Simone also came out of the 'revenge' shoot less changed than the other one. 'Rest area' Simone is saucier and dare I say a bit sluttier for some reason. I'm not sure why.

    The bad end thing popped into my head while I was writing the post. I haven't given them much thought, to be honest. I'm not sure I want to touch them yet though because a lot of them would tie into some background stuff kicked into motion during the Austin thing. It could lead to more spoilers than I want to give away yet but some really early ones may be possible.

    It's funny you mention Simone and anal. The last chapter I did was with Brett and his offers to get Kat casted in exchange for a favor. This branch was off 'Revenge' where she passed out so hard during anal that Agra actually asked if she needed a doctor. She asked him for a link when the movie goes up. Remember Brett specifically mentioned her movie coming out really soon and all his contacts thinking it'll be a big hit. So I guarantee it'll come up in the aftermath of all that but I don't think I was planning that much detail. I'm glad you asked though, it gives me stuff to think about!

    Her fantasies? She hasn't really had a chance to explore her own wants and needs in the story yet. I have a good idea of what turns her on and what she's into. I've dropped a few hints here and there but haven't had a good place to explore them up to this point. To be honest. she kinda planned to put her emotional needs on ice for a while and let work handle her physical needs. The closest thing to a love interest at the moment is Tyler Lawrence but I haven't decided whether to go in that direction or not.

    I hope I got it all! You had a lot of stuff packed in your response. Thanks for the reply, it's given me some stuff to think on :)
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2021
    Greyrock and Gadgetdawg like this.
  12. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    Greyrock likes this.
  13. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    OK. I have the inspection done and that opens a lot of doors. There are about 4 different directions I can push from here on this branch. I'm in a weird frame of mind right now, so there's a good chance I'm going to let the story sit for a few days and play with a couple of ideas in my head before I commit. Otherwise, I might end up writing something I regret later lol ;)
    Greyrock likes this.
  14. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    I did get one more chapter out a few days ago but just haven't been in a writing mood since. Hopefully, my muse will return soon :)
    Greyrock likes this.
  15. Greyrock

    Greyrock Really Experienced

    I go for months without new chapters. You are doing WAAAY better than me in that regard. In just a few months you have cranked out so many great chapters that it makes me sick. Go assemble a giant lego kit for a week instead of writing so I can feel better about myself. ;)
    Kineticat likes this.
  16. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    It's a weird feeling for me. I'm used to getting home from work and itching to write. That just hasn't happened this week and it just seems bizarre to me. It'll come back to me soon enough I think.
    Greyrock likes this.
  17. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    Another chapter is up. I admit something feels off about it though. There may be a rewrite when I figure it out. . .
  18. Kineticat

    Kineticat Really Really Experienced

    It took almost two weeks but another chapter is up. Sorry, I just really haven't been in the mood to write.
    Greyrock likes this.