The Tower of Voices Voting Thread

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by TheLeherengin, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    If we have the option of just walking off we should take it. Frankly we don't need a fight right now and we definitely don't need to be taken somewhere else again. If that isn't an option then I guess we take the duel, it's quickly become the best of a bad bunch and if we can't just walk off we will probably need to fight anyway. On the subject of the sun burn, we can keep going quite a while with it (9 actions plus 18 for the potions) and once we rest there should be no long term repercussions.
  2. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Alright, I know a "Are you sure you want to do that?" when I see it lol

    And since Yulia didn't even brought up my full offer, fine, I'm ok with leaving , I didn't want the stupid spider girl anyways!
  3. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    We can always come back for the spider girl later. Duel starts to look like a really bad idea now. Let's walk away.
  4. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    Oops sorry somehow I missed the addition of the getting the spider girl as a slave part XD
  5. Miss-Emmie

    Miss-Emmie Experienced

    I've been busy irl and it seems I missed a lot. Going to hard veto this duel, if we lose again and Yulia ends up deeper in the bugs' lair we'll have a hard time digging ourselves out of this hole. Better to head north and regroup with the party.

    Before Yulia leaves, she should ask if a Wandering Monster has appeared here recently, since the existence of 4 implies each of the four locations we can visit has one. Given the naming convention of The Rack, we can probably expect something like the Iron Maiden or the Wooden Horse. It's also interesting that The Rack was insectile in nature and took us south to the bug girls. Maybe one of the others is serpentine and would take us north if we lost?

    Also, now that we know what lies to the south, we can ask Hess and her people for more info on these bugs before we come back.
  6. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

  7. Miss-Emmie

    Miss-Emmie Experienced

    I was going to agree with Hess until I remembered we have Cloak. Yulia being invisible seems like enough of an edge to justify heading right in.
  8. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Does cloak work on Yulia? I forgot if it counts as a support spell.

    Sunburnt will keep doing damage until Yulia has a rest. Honestly, I think we have to take this rest. The snakegirls having their way with the group is relatively harmless, compared to what the girls usual have to endure when getting captured.
  9. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    Cloak is a utility spell and does indeed work on Yulia.
  10. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    We used cloak a few times on the previous floor, then got powerful and just killed everything.

    Cloak is not a bad idea but we will not be in much of a condition to actually do anything but watch. We could use a health potion but even then we could easily be in a situation where we can't realistically do anything. And the snake girls are clearly trying to help them (unlike the scorpions) so I doubt anything too bad will happen (other than Maple regretting joining up again).

    I have to agree with Gambio (and Hess) that resting (to deal with the sunburn) and hoping it is all fine is the best idea.
    I will point out that not long ago we were considering getting into a fight in order to rest, this is just keeping out of a fight in order to rest.
  11. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    We wouldn't necessarily have to fight. Just cool the emotions enough, if necessary,with itty bitty blizzard, to remind everyone of the importance of consent.
  12. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    I don't think blizzard can be turned down, probably not a great tool for trying to be friendly. Using it to threaten, sure, but not for use on friends.
  13. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

  14. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    This seems fine, there isn't anything especially threatening here so I don't think there are really and bad choices. I see three options.
    1: deal with the naga, either take the offer or threaten them, this is probably the fastest option and if we go with that I prefer just taking the offer as it doesn't seem to disadvantage us and it is basically certain to work.
    2: just pick a door, we have 4 to pick from but we probably can't use the giant one. I don't think we know of anywhere we can't go and someone will probably tell us if we aren't allowed somewhere, we know about "the bath, the library, treasury, The Desert Mother's throne room, dungeons and birthing chamber", at a guess the big door is the throne room, the fancy door is the treasury and the simple one is the library or general rooms. I like the simple sandstone one as overly fancy isn't where you put hospitals (also that might be the treasures Hess mentioned and we aren't looting) and you also don't take people further than required.
    3: just ask Hess, she probably has a good idea of where to check, although this obviously takes more time.

    My vote is for going through the sandstone door.
    If one of them does decide to attack us . . . we fight back obviously, if nothing else it would make threatening the other one easy (or if we lose we can probably get what we need anyway).
  15. Miss-Emmie

    Miss-Emmie Experienced

    Hopefully this can be solved with Yulia saying, "I intend to find my friends, but would prefer to do that without hurting anyone. But if you try to touch me," then she lets some electricity crackle in one hand and fire in the other. Maybe add, "It won't be my fault if you're too weak to run if The Rack shows up again."

    If this does turn into a fight, Undermine, Lightning Strike, and Life Drain should be the priority. If this is a 1v1, we just need to immobilize him enough to advance.

    And I'll agree to going through the sandstone door, unless Ral can assure us our party is somewhere else. It would probably be in his best interests to direct Yulia rather than letting her wander around knocking out anyone who attacks her.
  16. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    I'm inclined towards taking the offer, simply because losing here would put us at quadruple Mana cost for the rest of the floor, which would be quite devastating-

    While I think we can win this, I also think it's a needless risk and getting to know were our friends actually are is an added benefit.
  17. Remin

    Remin Experienced

    O-kay! Spanking for everyone! Spanking for huginn, spanking for Emmie, double spanking for gambio (and Gina and Ben too, you rascal!), not for engin(for now).
    I disappear for few days to have a magic and drug fueled fuckfest and you throw away all the fun!

    Stop being a prude and jump onto those snake dicks, Yulia! Why don't you help those poor guys out? You never know when you need some help and I am sure they will after you do them a favor~

    To anyone still insisting on being rational and cold-headed, consider the faction standing loss from smashing around their temple. It's bad enough that we just dragged a beast in and instead of running, let it smash around and probably catch some bystanders in middle of it. We don't need rumours that we are beating up the guards as well!

    P.S. Spanking for Boodalian too!
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2024 at 11:37 AM
  18. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    Almost avoided getting attacked by the crazy voice. Almost.
  19. Remin

    Remin Experienced

    Just be glad I bent you over the knee just once! Hmppff!
  20. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    Well, no spanking for you and I vote for sandstone door, as well. Just invite one who can behave along to help find our friends.