The Tower of Voices Voting Thread

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by TheLeherengin, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

  2. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    Gambio, you talk too loud! I don't know what other metric results is 3 to 1 being narrowly in favour of the one. Or maybe Yulia wanted it really, actually that's probably it.

    Huh, intresting. So this curse may be sexually transmitted, also we really do need to do something about it now although I presume that was the plan anyway. In the meantime you will probably need to put up with it at least until we find Cherchiel.

    For getting ready, please make some mana water, use cloak and then drink the mana water. If we have time to prepare I want every advantage we can get and a free spell might make the difference. Ideally we start off with energise to make best use of the effect. The information screen shows . . . basically everything is fine so that's not very helpful. I'm not sure we can do anything else to prepare. Just keep your cool and don't rush in.
  3. Miss-Emmie

    Miss-Emmie Experienced

    Can this status be fixed with Cure? I know Yulia's passives mean it can't be used on her, but it seems safe to assume our party is under this same effect so we should try to return them to normal.

    I agree with Boodalian's plan. Also, it was mentioned this is the barracks. That probably means our companions are all being gang-banged. Our priority should be to help Goma first, Puppet will make it easier to free everyone else.

    If the invisiblity doesn't work, I wonder if Yulia can get away with using Life Drain while being intimate with some of the folks on the other side. Whittle their numbers down without turning this into a fight.
  4. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    Remin and Gambio emphatically voted yes and I think I might have misinterpreted your first post as being potentially favourable to all options, my bad, I somehow missed that you specifically declared your vote for the sandstone door. So, I thought the votes went

    For fucking the snakes: 2

    For sandstone door: 1

    For whatever: 1
  5. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    And my vote for the sandstone door too late, apparently.

    I agree with Boodalian's plan here.
  6. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    Nah yours was the 1 for sandstone door.
  7. Remin

    Remin Experienced

    Muahahha! Enjoy the show everyone, you earned it! That was some spicy stuffing, teheheh~

    Curse huh? I think it's just all of those fetishes finally starting to fire. What's the issue with getting a bit toooo into the mood, hmm?

    Also didn't one of the snake boys bite Yulia during orgasm? I don't know much about lamia male's venom but that might be the culprit behind sudden cock-sucking hunger. :p

    I think Yulia should ease up. Nobody's trying to kidnap or eat anyone, those two guys were excellent warm up, so how about main course?~
  8. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    I regret nothing!

    Using cloak on Yulia sounds like a good plan. I imagine the guards will be too busy to really pay attention to her.

    Anyways, let's head to the barracks and free our friends
  9. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    Well whatever, I still enjoyed the result and it's not going to cause issues going forward, probably.
  10. Remin

    Remin Experienced

    Free? I don't remember anyone getting captured. Sounds like we just might crash a party for lamias.
  11. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

  12. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    First cast identify on Cherchiel to see if we get any indication if she is under the curse.
  13. Miss-Emmie

    Miss-Emmie Experienced

    Given the reactions of Yulia and Cherchiel, I suspect naga cum is addictive rather than this being tied to the curse on the lamia and naga. Wouldn't be the first time we saw an effect like that. For Cherchiel specifically, this has probably reawakened some old programming from one of the times she's been influenced by others. Maybe Aqua, that agent of the Tower Below from a couple floors ago?

    As for the next move... Hm... Our focus should probably be on Goma, Lri, and Sally. The latter two seem to be at least somewhat free of outside influence, while Goma's Puppet would be a good way to settle this without violence. I'd prefer to settle this with minimal violence so...

    How about Yulia throws a Flash Grenade, then Energizes Lri and Sally while Undermining their respective captors. That should be enough for them to free themselves. With two of our allies freed, from there Yulia will tell the lamia and naga to stop what they're doing and let everyone go. We've seen that, while they're horny, they aren't malicious. We make it clear that the orgy is ending one way or the other, but we're giving them a non-violent end to the encounter.
  14. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    I count at least 13. I guess we could get into a fight, Cherchiel can be ordered if all else fails, Sally seems entirely unaffected by the whole thing so that gives us a lot of our fighting power. I would prefer a non-violent approach, but I can't think of a great way to do that. Let's go with Emmie's plan, but order Cherchiel to stop her fun and get ready to fight. This does raise the intresting point of exactly what she could be ordered to do, perhaps we can think of an order that protects her from the effects.
  15. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru


    Not exactly ideal as situations go. Yulia is horny as fuck, the girls pretty much out of it or outright brainwashed and the room is full of horny snake people.

    We can't use AOE attacks because that will hit our friends and trying to form any sort of strategy with this going on seems impossible.

    I neither see a fight or negotiation work out in our favor here.

    So let's go with trickery

    Let Yulia throw a bunch of flash and smoke grenades and then shout the one thing that makes these horny sluts shrivel up.


    That should ideally get the snakes to clear out. Our girls will hopefully recognize the voice and don't do anything too rash.
  16. Remin

    Remin Experienced

    My, my~ That's a very spicy scene~

    I agree with gambio, we need a distraction. I was thinking about shooting a blizzard into the kitchen but idea with rack seems decent.

    Any ideas to avoid getting trampled in the chaos tho? Getting Yulia knocked out by a crowd running over her wouldn't be great, hehehe.
  17. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    Not getting trampled is the easy bit, stand in a corner first. I was actually thinking this might be an oddly convenient time for the rack to turn up, faking the matter could definitely work.
  18. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    I have been dreading the possibility everytime I make the roll, cause I have no idea how that would play out XD

    Edit: Would be very funny if it does actually show up next chapter though...
  19. Miss-Emmie

    Miss-Emmie Experienced

    I'll agree with Gambio's plan. But we should probably still have Yulia buff Lri and Sally since they seem to be in their right minds.
  20. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    I agree with this, including buffing Lri and Sally.