The Tower of Voices Voting Thread

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by TheLeherengin, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Ok, so we have unlimited mana infused water, whatever the hell that means

    Can we do the experiment again and run an identify on the mana infused water? Might give us a clue as what we are dealing with.

    But since we do have unlimited water, there's little reason to leave any of the girls behind.

    As for directions, the only thing we have to go off is that Dreg's order maybe overlap with the monsters, it's not much but hey, I vote for North, snakegirls are sexy.
  2. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

  3. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    Not to worry anyone or anything but did Goma forget to take off the very thick hide and is now very hot? It also appears that everyone becomes thirsty after one walk somewhere, so don't forget to drink regularly and make more water as you go along. We should probably convert mana water to normal water as we don't know about any other side effects and one free spell is not that powerful for us.

    Sorry, we were worrying about this ambush. Perhaps mummies, or turrets hiding under dunes doesn't give us much to go on. We could just avoid it but I doubt that is going to do anything helpful in the long run, so let's carefully approach and see if a peaceful contact can be managed, knowing more would be good. If peaceful isn't an option, identify it and then attack as appropriate for the identify, a small number of rifle shots and grenades should be used if the fight is threatening to go badly (and a large number if it is actually going badly).
  4. Miss-Emmie

    Miss-Emmie Experienced

    Unfortunately, I doubt the other directions will offer us an easy time. We should explore this area while we're here, since traversing this floor takes up a fair bit of energy.

    I suggest Lri use her illusions to create a duplicate and have it enter and approach the turrets. See if we can bait the ambush out from a safe distance.
  5. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Cave of Wonders and some Tusken raiders, eh? I'm not sure I like this combination.

    I doubt some random shmucks will prove much of a threat, but Emmie's strategy is sound. Let's see what we are up against.
  6. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    Using illusion sounds like a good option. Though before we do that Goma should change her hide outfit for swimtrunks and thirsty ppeople should have a drink of water.
  7. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    You forgot to post here engin XD

    Anyways, so no Tusken Raiders but I don't think a Sarlac pit is much better.

    I'm not sure we want to deal with a Demon right after entering this floor, so I suggest we head back and check out another direction first, preferably North.
  8. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    Well, no chance of friendly contact. Let's try blasting it with Yulia and Lemiel's magic as that is effectively cost free, I doubt it will be able to rush us. And if that doesn't work then let's leave, unless the tower is intent of forcing us here I can think of no reason to risk getting tangled up with it.
    huginn likes this.
  9. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    Fuck... I swear I posted here... My bad

    Newest Post: I am an idiot :D
  10. Miss-Emmie

    Miss-Emmie Experienced

    I know I said last time that we probably shouldn't withdraw, but the Gluttony Archdemon is the one thing on this floor I'd prefer to avoid if possible. I agree with retreating back to camp and trying another path. Let's try heading east next so we're heading in the opposite direction of this place. I'm worried we'll have to deal with this sooner or later, but I'd prefer to do so only after getting more information from friendly floor residents.
  11. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    Cast identify on tongue before withdrawing, and keep at safe distance while doing it.

    Goma should probably wear the techarmour, which she has unequipped now, over the swimming trunks.

    There were four groups of people on this floor and four roads. So it seems likely we will have to come back here.
  12. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

  13. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    Sadly it seems that Goma has to be without armour unless they are somewhere cool. Let's move inside and see if it is cool enough to help Goma. If not, pour some water on her.
  14. Miss-Emmie

    Miss-Emmie Experienced

  15. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    yep. nothing more to do here then advance.

    We probably should expect some traps, so Isalia keep an eye open.
  16. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    I'm really wishing we had the extra tech suit now. Oh well, nothing much we can do about that now. I agree that just heading on in is for the best.

    I notice Cherchiel doesn't have a tech suit and also isn't overheating. Perhaps it's an angel thing, if so Goma should borrow Lemiel's suit (magic fitting is doing a real work out here), at least out in the desert.

    Let's also try some weird ideas. Try heal (probably won't help) and cure (might help, hard to be sure).
    Does blizzard cover the sky? If so, keeping it up might reduce the direct heat from the sun.
    Does icicle feel cold if you were to hold it? If so try wrapping it in something and hugging it. Similarly can we effect a metal bar (or tech plate) with blizzard? If so use blizzard to cool something down then hug that instead. We have enough metal stuff we could just make a monolith of it if the blizzard trick works.
    If all that doesn't work we could try lots of tech suit swapping we have 5 suits between 7 people (excluding Sally), swapping the over might be enough to keep people cool enough.
    Last edited: May 14, 2024
  17. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    Wait... cherchiel doesn't have a suit?! I thought only Goma didn't have one... Fuck Cherchiel should be overheating too then god damn it!
  18. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    . . . I should have kept my mouth shut. Try not to have too sudden a heat stroke Cherchiel, I believe in you!
  19. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

  20. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    Let's ask nicely if Hess'hrim Valutti would join Yulia and others in the bath and tell them about this level and its inhabitants.

    Moving Lemiel's techtsuit to Goma for this level seems a prudent move.