Threads approval reports

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Mr.B., Aug 2, 2014.

  1. thtiger

    thtiger Experienced

    I posted a story, and the first two chapters and they have been approved. But the third chapter is listed as "Not Published" And when I edit it I'm only given the option of saving it to draft.

    This is a private story, for now. I'm the owner. I thought new chapters go through automatically. I'm not being given any options to publish the third chapter, just the tag that it is not published on the title in the second chapter
  2. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    After a story owner publishes a story, it gets reviewed by a moderator.

    They might approve the story or decline it.
    If your story gets declined, you will see a message why the story has been declined, so you can fix the issues.

    Note: Private only refers to who can add to the story. After approval, it will be visible to all readers.

    After a story is approved, any further chapter will be public as soon as you publish it.
    Your story has not been approved yet.
    Friedman likes this.
  3. chris_brown

    chris_brown Really Experienced

    Friedman,can you do me a quick favor and see if there are any pending chapters for The Lilith Strain?
  4. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    There are pending chapters but they have been submitted only a few days ago.
  5. chris_brown

    chris_brown Really Experienced

    How many chapters for the Lilith Strain are pending just out of curiosity I only know of 1 so far?
  6. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

  7. chris_brown

    chris_brown Really Experienced

    Any idea how long they’ve been sitting there for?
  8. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    About 3-4 days
  9. chris_brown

    chris_brown Really Experienced

    What’s the threshold before you approve the chapters if they haven’t already been approved?
  10. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    We wait at least 10 days
  11. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    I finished a new story a few days ago and it has not been approved. It's beeen a while since I started new story here. What's the normal wait time?
  12. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Hey wicker, I don’t see your story in the review list. Did you publish the story?
  13. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    So I clicked on the three dots. The edit function came up. Here's what I saw:
    If selected, no "updated" note will be added for this chapter. Then the box to click.
    After that it was "save as draft" or "cancel"

    "This chapter will be published automatically when the story is approved and published."

    I see nothing that says "publish"
  14. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thanks! However, I still don’t see the story in the review list. Can you send me the URL?
  15. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

  16. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

  17. Braids

    Braids Virgin

    Hello, I have two threads I submitted a few months back that no one ever approved or denied, I actually forgot I added them and just found them again. They are both for and I appreciate and help I can get to have them approved or at least denied and given reasons why. Thank you for your time and attention.
  18. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thank you, Braids! I've approved your chapters and added you as an author :)
  19. Braids

    Braids Virgin

    Always appreciated!
    Friedman likes this.
  20. protress

    protress Virgin

    I have a few threads in that have not been approved in a month or two. The author has logged in, but they have not done anything. If you can get them approved, that would be great. I would rather not become an author on the story, because I don't want the original author to think I am taking over their story. Thank you for your time and work!