Threads approval reports

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Mr.B., Aug 2, 2014.

  1. Semeny Licket

    Semeny Licket Experienced

    Certainly not automatic editor status, at any rate. I know a couple of people off-site I'd love to make editors on any of my stories, if only they'd make the dive and join the site (which is not for my trying--I just have a negative persuasion modifier).

    I'd imagine the wait gets longer on larger stories, as editors have to reread (at least, I do) more of the leading threads in order to keep informed on the narrative's progress.
  2. Murakami

    Murakami Really Experienced

    The other thing we need is IMing. When I have to tell people what is wrong I have to leave a comment, which stays around when the thread gets accepted.
  3. Semeny Licket

    Semeny Licket Experienced

    Maybe there could be a system of private editor notes for each thread regarding its submission. I just don't know if I care for the idea of yet another open messaging system attached to the site, when we already have one for the forums. Stories, forum threads, and private conversations for each feels like a lot of clutter to keep track of. Obviously that's only my opinion. It's not my site. I just don't think I'd want people to be able to contact me on Chyoa outside of the business of editing story threads.
  4. airwreck

    airwreck Really Experienced

    I added a thread to RedMonica's story, Challenge Her, back in late September but apparently he has real life priorities (which I completely understand). Hopefully he'll come back soon because i really like that story.
  5. jealco

    jealco Experienced

    That would work. A hidden area that only the story owner, author of the thread, and editor can see, where they can discuss what needs to happen to get a thread approved. It makes sense, and the readers don't have to see the backend stuff that goes into making these threads.
  6. chibbert2

    chibbert2 Virgin

    I have some threads on the story "Wishful Thinking" that have been pending since around august 18th, 2014. As it's reached the two month mark, I thought I'd say something :) I'd be willing to take over approval/responsibility for the story if the original author has abandoned it.
  7. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I miss being able to tack author notes on a thread to suggest things for follow-ups. (Editor notes was the same system in C1/C2).
  8. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Since artican hasn't signed in yet, it's fine for me. Have fun editing!
  9. Semeny Licket

    Semeny Licket Experienced

    What is the best time we've come up with for waiting until story threads are approved? I'm hearing "a month" a lot, but the internet does move quickly, and considering that we can set up e-mail alerts for our stories, the aforementioned couple of weeks doesn't seem unreasonable to me either. Nor does "a week," but even I tend to be away from the same virtual haunt for more than a week at a time. Again, auto-approval is a slippery slope, but sometimes it just takes a while for these sorts of arrangements to come to fruition.

    What if there were a setting where some story owners voluntarily allowed an auto-submission (perhaps time-based)? "I don't care how, I just want to see this story grow like an open-world sandbox!" I feel like I have far more faith in this site's security than the previous incarnation.

    When our thread is either ignored or denied, do we get to keep it in our list of threads, unviewable by any but ourselves? Often times there are a lot of similar stories started on the site (some with the same title, even), so perhaps another story's owner would feel it could fit into their own campaign, with some inevitable revisions to fit into the differences of the plot's specifics. It's understandable people want control over their own stories, although I can't help but sometimes imagine that very vague, similarly-themed stories could probably benefit from merging...nah, nevermind.

    I'm probably being far too much a stickler for etiquette, as usual. It can sometimes be fairly indicative if a story owner will ever return to the site by checking when he or she last visited.
    Friedman likes this.
  10. Trugbild

    Trugbild Really Experienced

    For what reason is there the possibility to approve/decline threads?

    In my opinion it is to
    - allow the story owner to control the quality of writing (and help the writers to get better)
    - allow the story owner to control the directions of the story
    - prevent submissions of threads breaking the rules

    What would be, if the story owner would have more rights to delete threads or rearrange his stories? ("Just write! I pick the good one and dump the bad one.")
    Friedman and Semeny Licket like this.
  11. Mr.B.

    Mr.B. Moderator

    It's my personal opinion that if you really leave a writer wait for more than a week to see his thread approved, very few are going to remain here. Probably happened already to several users.
    Auto approval for certain authors is perfectly fine, I really don't understand all this fear.
    We just need to find a system as good as possible and then place a "report" link on every thread so that users can contact moderators in the case some writer goes outside the boundaries set by the original author (or the general site rules).
    Once you got the couple of bad authors\trolls that can show up (if they ever do), you just did 90% of the work.
    There, my 2 cents. Do as you with with them.
    Friedman and Semeny Licket like this.
  12. latexdoll

    latexdoll Virgin

    Hi I was just wondering if I could have my story "Somewhere else" back. Apparently it was given away before I realized chyoa existed. The new owner asked me if I wanted it back, which I thought was very nice but I wasn't sure it wouldn't require the attention of a moderator to do the switch. Thanks in advance.
  13. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Sure, you're now the owner again.
  14. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

    Is there an active editor of The Club Slut? If not, I'd like to volunteer. I have a thread pending.
  15. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    No, mikelevine wasn't yet active on Chyoa. I've transferred the story to you.
  16. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

  17. latexdoll

    latexdoll Virgin

    thanks friedman, gotta love quick fixes :) I knew I liked this site for some reason..... well plus all the stories :)
    Friedman likes this.
  18. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

    And School of Love, please. It was the first story I revived from the dead by adopting it.
  19. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Alrighty, you're now the owner of School of Love.
  20. Murakami

    Murakami Really Experienced

    Any word on editor and trusted status? Then we can handle this without wholesale transferring of stories back and forth.