Threads approval reports

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Mr.B., Aug 2, 2014.

  1. N0F8

    N0F8 Virgin

  2. N0F8

    N0F8 Virgin

    It's been approved now. Thanks.
    Friedman likes this.
  3. blockallen70

    blockallen70 Virgin

    I have 16 of threads waiting on approval for different story lines how do I get them approved or disapproved
  4. TGbill

    TGbill Virgin

    good evening, I am a casual Spanish writer from another page, and I am very interested in this page, and I have the intention of transferring one of my stories to this interactive format, I came so that there is a long delay in approving my story, since I have seen that took a long time to approve them. no intention of being a bother
  5. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I had to reject your story for obvious reasons. Please follow the rules:

    Can you send me the URLs?
  6. Mrdree

    Mrdree Guest

  7. vinaren

    vinaren Experienced

  8. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Sorry if it took longer!

    I have approved your chapters and added you as an author.

    Happy writing!
    street0 likes this.
  9. Mannelig

    Mannelig Virgin

    Hi, I wrote ten approved chapters already for - the story appears to be abandoned by the original author, and another chapter-author has thankfully approved previous chapters... after I prodded them, each time. I don't like to always write messages to beg for approval, though, and would like to adopt the story somehow. Thanks in advance for resolving this.
  10. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Looks good! I added you.

    Happy writing!
  11. Mrdree

    Mrdree Guest

  12. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    You submitted your story 2.5 hours ago. Please have some patience!
  13. Barley

    Barley Virgin

  14. Mrdree

    Mrdree Guest

    ..... waiting.... Patiently...
  15. I have submitted three chapters to the 'Detached' story over a week ago and messaged the author about it 3 days ago wondering if there was any problems with the chapters but got no response. The author appears to be active? With their last scene status being refreshed daily.
  16. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I've approved your chapters and added you as an author so new chapters will be published automatically.

    Happy writing! :)

    I have contacted the owner of the story.
  17. Thanks, any news yet? Also as a side note is there anyway to pin a comment so its always the first one people see? I like to leave author notes in the comments instead of putting them at the end of the chapter and the worry that eventually(hopefully) the comment would get buried by other comments is a little sad.
    TheLowKing likes this.
  18. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    I put my author's notes in separate chapters, that might be a viable alternative for you.
  19. For the more generic notes having a full chapter dedicated to it probably would be fine however, my author notes are pretty chapter specific. So putting most of them in their own chapter would probably leave readers confused about what I'm talking about lol. Granted I don't have a lot of traffic or user feedback so I don't know if this will become an issue, just thinking about the future and wondering if there the option.
  20. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    Ah, fair enough.