Threads approval reports

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Mr.B., Aug 2, 2014.

  1. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

    How about "In space no one can hear you breed"? Is there an active editor? If not, I'd like to volunteer.
  2. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I've approved some threads, but you can take over.

    As I wrote in another thread, I'm working on a revised version of the site. With this also comes the trusted editor status. It shouldn't take too long.
    Mr.B. and Murakami like this.
  3. Murakami

    Murakami Really Experienced

    Great. Sorry to bug; I wasn't following that thread.
  4. menoetes

    menoetes Virgin

    Hey Guys,

    Menoetes here; an on-again and off-again author from the old chyoo site.

    Anyway I have a few days off coming up early in the coming week and I was planning to get a serious block of writing done (if all goes to plan). However I am concerned that a few threads I posted months ago on a few stories are still pending approval.

    This isn't anything new since the change-over to the new site, I know. Many authors didn't come over with their stories but it does mean I am effectively 'blockaded' (if you will excuse the dramatic turn of phrase) from continuing some creative lines of writing I have been mulling over for quite some time now.

    Is there any chance someone might approve these threads for me? Or better yet allow to me adopt the stories as a sub-editor, since there has not been any activity on them in some time? I'll post the links below for perusal.


    Simon Says - in search of fun

    Simon Says - the video arcade this one I accidentally posted twice - if you could see your way to deleteing the younger duplicate too, it would be appreciated.

    Faeophobia - I've noticed that a few threads I previously added to this have disappeared without explaination. I am in the process of re-adding them. If there hasn't been any activity from the author on this story for a while, may I adopt the poor floundering thing?
  5. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I've approved your two threads of the story "Simon says" and assigned you as the temporary owner, later editor.

    Can you in regards to "Faeophobia" first try to contact the author? geordie_lad was already active on Chyoa and may approve your threads. If he does not reply, you can adopt the story.
  6. menoetes

    menoetes Virgin

    Thanks Friedman,

    I appreciate the help with Simon says and will contact Geordie_lad promptly.

    Cheers again,
  7. ddf_21s

    ddf_21s Virgin

    Dear Friedman, I have pending threads in "Curse" and "A Mother with Extra" stories.
    I believe that owner of "Mother" (
    ZombieToph) is using CHYOA.
  8. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

    Artican of Wishful Thinking was AWOL on CHYOO. I'd take it over if no one else has. One of my favorites.
  9. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

    And Caught by the Babysitter. Delicious little story that needs some attention.
  10. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I've approved your threads.

    chibbert2 is managing Wishful Thinking already. But I've made you the owner of Caught by our babysitter.
  11. jealco

    jealco Experienced

  12. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Ok, good. You're now the owner of Quiet Streets. Have fun editing!
  13. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

    Is The Super in need of editors, or has it been assigned?
  14. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    It seems as if goodson is managing his story actively.
  15. DoctorWhat

    DoctorWhat Virgin

    hey everyone,

    I just want to say how much I love this website. I've contributed what I can, obviously, and its been fun.

    I'm just at the moment waiting for two story threads to be approved in the story 'Aunt Julie', which I posted towards the end of October.
    Friedman likes this.
  16. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

    Okay, good to hear.
  17. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

  18. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

  19. DoctorWhat

    DoctorWhat Virgin

    thanks. I try to put as much thought into what I write, and this happens to be one of my favorite stories.

    regarding managing the story for now, sure.
    Friedman likes this.
  20. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Nice to hear. You're now the new owner of Aunt Julie.