Threads approval reports

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Mr.B., Aug 2, 2014.

  1. menoetes

    menoetes Virgin

    Thanks Friedman, I appreciate it.
  2. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

    I fixed the links for my threads in the area you mentioned, and all of them for A Wishbone Tale.

    Do you know how to fix links like this?
    Friedman likes this.
  3. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

    AaronWebster is. I don't know if he's active, but if not, I'd take it over.
  4. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    No, he's not active, and ... you're the new owner :)
  5. menoetes

    menoetes Virgin

    No, I don't know how to fix links on CHYOA, I went looking for a link button or icon but couldn't find one. I guess I just haven;t spent enough time on the new site to get super familiar.
  6. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

  7. chief

    chief Virgin

    Dear Friedman, i posted a thread to on April 30. Could you approve the thread ? Also it seems like the last time SlidingInSilk posted anything was on April 30, 2014, could you check up on her and see if she would like to continue the story ? And if not would it be possible to put the story in the Adoption Program ?
  8. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Your thread seems to be like an end in never-ending ecstasy :) Btw, your observation is true. SlidingInSilk wasn't active since then. Do you want to adopt the story or should I just ask others?
    chief likes this.
  9. chief

    chief Virgin

    Ask others please. I just occasionally add threads, don't have the interest to actually run a story.
  10. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Sure, no problem.
    chief likes this.
  11. godoferror

    godoferror Virgin

    If I create a new story, would I not be the owner of it? If so, why is it pending, and who approves it? BTW, like the icon Friedman! Always like watching Milton's videos found on youtube.
    Friedman likes this.
  12. Trugbild

    Trugbild Really Experienced

    A story have to be approved by a moderator. All following threads can be approved by the owner/editor.

    I think, this is neccesary to prevent automatic spam
  13. godoferror

    godoferror Virgin

    I understand that, however, if I create the main story, would I note be it's owner? Because that wasn't what happened.

    Thanks Friedman for changing the status from pending to active!
  14. Trugbild

    Trugbild Really Experienced

    If you create a new story, you are the owner of it.
    airwreck likes this.
  15. DoctorWhat

    DoctorWhat Virgin

    I recently posted something for 'The Shepherd Family' and still waiting for approval. Like 'Aunt Julie' that too is one of my fave stories.
  16. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    About how often do the mods approve/deny stories? And what happens if they get denied? Do they just vanish?
  17. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    It usually takes up to 24 hours until a story is approved, in most cases it's faster. If a story gets denied, it stays in your list and can be rechecked (message via forum or "Report a problem" required).
  18. ddf_21s

    ddf_21s Virgin

  19. BoomBoomPow

    BoomBoomPow Virgin

  20. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

    You can see unapproved threads, if you are in the parent thread. So, it's possible to have views before you are approved.

    These threads are list in the bottom of the parent thread as "Not approved yet". They don't show up in the story map.