Tips For Writing Sex Scenes

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by Zeebop, Feb 15, 2019.

  1. Jaegarblk

    Jaegarblk Experienced

    Based on a very small sample of anecdotal evidence (and by evidence I mean gut feeling based on Chapter likes) gifs which give an idea of what is happening (i.e a brunette in doggy style) in the action of a pure smut chapter seem to get a more positive response than an introductory description of a character combined with an image.

    Meaning, I get the impression that readers don't really like being told that the sexy brunette you've described in the first Chapter literally looks like Leah Gotti because you've posted a picture of her.

    However 10 chapters in when same sexy brunette is having sex, posting a gif or image of Leah Gotti (or any other brunette) in the same position as described will get a far more positive response.

    My guess is that I think early on an image can disrupt the imagination while later on during the sex scenes any additional relevant images of sex are helpful. I also suspect there's something primal about the rhythmic loop of a gif when it comes to sex/porn.

    My take away has been to be more careful with images early in a story or introducing a character and be more free and easy with gifs later on during sex scenes. That said so far I've mainly been writing smut rather than anything more artisic (though I've been pretty pleased with how my more recent stuff has been going).
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
    raziel83 and Sthaana like this.
  2. Sthaana

    Sthaana Really Experienced

    The problem is, chapter depth is a huge draw for many people, so just from a "gaming the system" perspective,
    I find it helps to split chapters up. Plus, sex scenes allow for lots of easy, consequence-free branching in terms
    of sex acts and positions...
  3. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    Really? I've found it easier to just put in one chapter, though my own story is more story focused. I suppose your way might work if it's one of them stories that just focuses on smut.
    GamerChick077 likes this.
  4. insertnamehere

    insertnamehere Really Really Experienced

    I would avoid imagery in your chapters altogether. Your writing should speak for itself. There is a certain story style associated with frequent use of pictures, but in that case, the types and ways you use visuals is strongly dependent on how you want to communicate the story.
    TheLowKing, Sthaana and gene.sis like this.
  5. Jaegarblk

    Jaegarblk Experienced

    Personally I would take the view of not avoiding anything when it comes to creating art but use whatever is necessary/works to tell the story or elicit the feelings you want to elict.

    Or to put it another way why have music in films? Why have comic books altogether?

    I would agree that images in literature are actually often distracting or superfluous (and thus exceedingly rare these days) but then again there are examples of older classics with woodcut drawings interspaced which are often quite evocative.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2023
    TheLowKing likes this.
  6. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    There's nothing wrong with pictures in your stories... as long as they aren't a crutch. If you choose to use both, then the text and imagery should complement each other. Using either to hide flaws in the other won't actually work.
    Jaegarblk likes this.
  7. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    Any tips for writing sex scenes for a characters first time. Personally I feel like I have to write it and then tone it back some so it doesn't feel like the characters suddenly leveled up from virgin to a sex god of bedchambers. I also include some silly banter as the characters are trying to cut the tension.
  8. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    First off, decide what the narrative purpose of the sex scene is. Is it just to be hot, or is it meant to introduce how far a character has to go in leveling up their sex game, or is it necessary to show that the prince was seduced by their hunky orc guard to explain why they ran away together, or what?

    The decide tone. You've already decided sex is going to happen and why it needs to happen, but there are any manner of approaches as to how to depict it. Is it silly? Is it horrifying? Is it cringeworthy or confusing? There's a world of difference between a 30-year-old never-been-kissed princess throwing her virginity at a dragon's cock in a mad, desperate effort to conceive an heir and an 18-year-old prince that has spent months jerking it to his favorite OrkBoiPussy pillowbook and now it's the chance for him to live out his fantasy.

    Then lean into the emotions as well as the physical sensations - this is all new to at least one of them. Are they doing it based on what they've heard and seen, or are they completely ignorant of sex? Is one of the participants more knowledgeable - if so, do they guide the other, or take advantage of their ignorance?

    Finally, the aftermath. How did it go? How did it make them feel? Are they satisfied, amazed, addicted, horrified, disappointed, or just not sure (if so, better do it again!)?
  9. ToniDaring

    ToniDaring Experienced

    If both are first timers, it can be shy, awkward, and not especially satisfying, leaving them confused what the big deal is about, or else backing it up a bit, to find out what each has learned to do for theirself. That kind of scene is almost more a collusion to crack a code or solve a puzzle, than a straightforward sex scene, and is useful for establishing other characteristics, traits, et cetera as the reader sees how they learn.

    A more experienced partner coaching a virgin can be hot, though, too, with the partner taking the time to discover what the neophyte responds to or enjoys, since they don't know yet and can't really initiate. Again, this puts character on display. What is the dynamic? Is there a trust, there? Or does it start with reservations, but trust is established?
    Last edited: May 28, 2023
  10. yoogirl

    yoogirl Virgin

    This is really helpful, thanks!
    Zeebop likes this.
  11. Remin

    Remin Experienced

    I think some sex scenes tend to survive cutting into chapters better than others, but I think it can be fun to do that if it's just foreplay before the main event. All the teasing, prodding and excitement slowly building up, so reader gets excited along with the characters. It can be fun to see brat acting all aloof and resistant but you just know they are going to end up getting pounded into the floor.

    Only thing I hate are" two sentence sex scenes".
    • No build up
    • No foreplay
    • No fun action to follow along
    • Too short to even get you aroused
    • There is no fun wind-down afterwards, even no "and then they railed each other for the rest of the night", fade to black kinda thing.
  12. Sthaana

    Sthaana Really Experienced

    One more piece of advice: Don't get lost in the sauce. Keep sex scenes a reasonable length.

    I have run into the problem that my scenes are way too long (going for up to four or five long-ish chapters),
    which are difficult to finish in one go and which end up feeling like the fucking Namek-arc to write.
    I haven't tried this before, but maybe it'd be a good idea to write the start, write the end (or ends) and then
    fill out the middle in such a way that you could reasonably hit publish at any point