What lead you to Chyoa?

Discussion in 'General Board' started by Kobe, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. TwiztidClown

    TwiztidClown Experienced

    I found literotica more than a decade ago and joined chyoo when it was actually being updated and then became a moderator there until they made the first chyoo offspring that lasted a little while and then the creator dropped off the face of the earth. I can't remember if I followed the other moderators (torg and jakelyon) or if I was invited to this site.
    hemi001 and gscmar64 like this.
  2. cutie569

    cutie569 Virgin

    Oh gods... it's been ages. But if I remember correctly I was using google to head to adultfanfiction.org. In my curiosity the search lead to Literotica, and then CHYOO2, I believe at the time. Reading some stories sparked some ideas that took the edge off my writers block. So I typed something up, created an acount and tossed my creative venting into the virtual wind. The result was my first- and still favorite- work, Goldeneye.
    hemi001 and gscmar64 like this.
  3. imphic

    imphic Virgin

    I was having a falling out with writing.com and decided to search for other interactive/choose your own adventure stories to read and potentially contribute to. I came here by a link from hyperdreams, IIRC.
    gscmar64 likes this.
  4. RadioGalaxy

    RadioGalaxy Really Experienced

    I actually stumbled on the site while looking 'regular' choose your own adventure stories people had written (The "Game Monster" story was my first here) , and immediately fell in love with this place. It took me about a week and a half of almost non-stop reading stories (Lot of amazing ones!) before I came to the forum and I read through the entirety of the PBP Monster Girl Adventure in Sexual RPGs first since it caught my attention (Props to Hematoma, really talented writer!) and I think i'll be here a long time haha. :p

    (Special mentions to BastardlyDastard, Cantalope, TMJ2008, v9, FallenSaint, and Hematoma for writing my favorite stories so far!)
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
    bastardlydastard and gscmar64 like this.
  5. bastardlydastard

    bastardlydastard Really Experienced

    Two words: Sexual repression.
    But seriously, I have always loved choose your own adventure stories, and so my various meanderings throughout the internet searching for erotic ones eventually led me here.
    I was a lurker for a very long time, but eventually, after reading the virgin heroine and the shining stone, as well as a few others, I felt the urge to write, and started doing so, "Borrowing" heavily from the stories as I went.
    Props to Cantalope, TMJ2008, Majus, and Hematoma for writing the stories that inspired me to start writing.
    gscmar64 and RadioGalaxy like this.
  6. TheDespaxas

    TheDespaxas Really Really Experienced

    After reading things on a forum with enf stories I found a link to oneclickchicks and their stories and additional reading post.

    This led me to writing.com which was fun at first but had a lot of drawback (invasive adds, downtime and chapter limits for non paying members...) and I wanted to participate but didn't because the site structure and procedure with points and all that stuff confused me.

    Back to oneclickchicks a few years later and I see an author saying how he is fed up with writing.com and would post here now.

    A few months of reading without even registering and I loved the site. Then something odd happened, I found a story with a beginning that I found awesome but that was only 2 chapters long. There was only one thing to do, I registered and wrote a few hundred chapters to flesh it out.

    5 month later I have 750+ chapters, 2500+ likes and 2 or 3 stories that were story of the week.

    And this became my favorite hobby. And all of that writing in a language that is not even my own.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2017
  7. RadioGalaxy

    RadioGalaxy Really Experienced

    That sounds downright heroic sir. Kudos to you! ;)
    gscmar64 likes this.
  8. mynameis789

    mynameis789 Virgin

    I found this site while surfing Reddit. I just joined this week and started my first story. Still working on it to see what way I wanna take it.
    I have never written any erotica stories before, but did do some dirty role plays on the sub Reddit dirtypenpals
    Will probably work some of my old RPs into more stories
    gscmar64 likes this.
  9. JMW

    JMW Guest

    I read The DeVilles on Literotica, whilst searching for Incubi / Succubi stories I came across this site. Read a lot of the Lilith Strain, discovered Futa's thanks to The Virus, Futa Apocalypse and Crack and decided to write some of my own.
    chris_brown and gscmar64 like this.
  10. LizardGod

    LizardGod Really Really Experienced

    Someone on Lit pointed me to it for my Labyrinth story and I have ended to up spending far more time here than on lit.
  11. Withness

    Withness Virgin CHYOA Backer

    This was pretty much my reasoning as well. I did a little bit of writing some stroke material for myself, but it never occurred to me to submit anything anywhere. I've always been a bit more of a reader than a watcher, so finding porn stories was a natural fit. I got here following a link from another site that said the story there was inspired by a story here. Previously I'd been lucky to find stories I enjoyed a lot from certain authors, but their output was very slow. On another erotic stories site, I read an essay on a lark that said it was advice for other writers. The piece that stuck with me was "If you can't find the story you like, write it!" Previously the stories I really enjoyed were longer and had the standard beginning, middle, end and a plot to them. When I got here though, I saw writers adapting off eachothers work and many entries were single 'chapters' or 'scenes'. That was much less intimidating to me than a full story with a coherent plot, so I found stories/branches that I liked and that inspired me and here I am.
  12. Loeman

    Loeman Really Really Experienced

    I don't remember what brought me here.

    What I do remember is the feeling that I can post on other stories. I can be a part of something bigger, and get other authors with me. And, contrary as it seems, I remember thinking that here I have restrictions - in terms of site rules. I... I'm a damn pervert, and I knew I needed those, if I was to ever convey my fantasies to ithers, in a way I can live with.

    I still need, and use, those site restrictions.

    And, as much as I've been a solo, non-branching author - that initial freedom that, if I screwed up, I could branch elsewhere really put me on this path. Made it easier to start, more psychologically or internally forgiving.

    I love this site. I love the formatting. I love the admin. It's all great, for what I needed, when I needed it.
    SeriousBrainDamage and grimbous like this.
  13. Zali

    Zali Virgin

    I stumbled on it while googling some ...interesting things trying to find a new place to recruit people for RPGs that can get a little dirty.
  14. bastian

    bastian Virgin

    I was with Literotica since it launched way back when. Then I migrated over to Chyoo and then over to Chyoa.
  15. I found it looking for places to post some of my creative fantasies. I also hoped to meet other like minded individuals to chat or exchange messages.
  16. MADiS0n

    MADiS0n Virgin

    Same here. (Though never written for Lit; liked the new idea of writing part but not responsible for all.)
  17. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    bizarrely enough I have no idea.

    I dimly remember getting an acount because that was required to access the storymap, according to my profile that happened in 2017, but I'm sure I was here before that.

    I was a lurker until late 2020 when I suddenly decided to start writing myself. That was a complete flight of fancy as well, weird how things sometimes come together.
  18. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    Was, and still am, a writer on a site called Hentai-Foundry.

    Then another user by the name of ARavingLooony posted/advertised his Star Whores story and how it was much easier to post here for choose your own adventure styled stories. Could be that I feel like I deserve some respect and Hentai-Foundry, which was filled with artists instead of authors, wasn't going to miss me, as well as other authors that weren't established in popularity. And so I swam here.

    Can't really say that I've garnered any sort of respect, but it's better than what I had from before.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2021
  19. SeriousBrainDamage

    SeriousBrainDamage Really Really Experienced

    Read Chyoo once in a while, for a while, then lost it as there wasn't so much content I was interested in, then found it again and it was Chyoo2 I think.

    And then lost it again, after having read thorugh all that was new about those few stories I liked.

    And then, by surely by accident stumled on it for the third time... or was it I did remember the url? Can't remember, for the life of me...

    Anyhow, at that time I think there was a banner on chyoo advertising Chyoa.

    It took me serveral visits to actually notice the banner. I had and old account, for browsing the maps, but when I decided to start adding something myself I made a new one, and so we are.
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  20. insertnamehere

    insertnamehere Really Really Experienced

    I just realised I never responded to this thread.

    I had been vaguely active on editthis.info for about a year or two before I discovered CHYOA at the end of 2018, while searching for the exact content the site provides. You could say Google led me here. Honestly, I'm not sure what kept me from finding it earlier... I'd always liked the idea of interactive adult fiction.
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.