Winds of Ambition - Game Thread

Discussion in 'Sexual RPGs' started by Tjf, Aug 8, 2020.

  1. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Very smart." The old man nods. "Of course. I'm one of the three men that handles the cash from that place, or I was." He corrects himself. "They have a vault in the centre of the casino where they keep the money, and the booths where cash is exchanged for chips tend to have a high amount of loose cash. Usually, they take money in and out of the casino in strongboxes, putting the boxes in wagons surrounded by armed guards, assuming that no one would be foolish enough to try a robbery. During wartime, however, they disguise the strongboxes, putting them in sake barrels or in the trash, that sort of thing. I'm not sure which method they'll be using. Depends on whether Kitano-San views you as a threat or a nuisance."
    asddas193 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  2. unisol_gr44

    unisol_gr44 CHYOA Guru

    Jian sighed, pouring out some tea after it has steeped for a bit, 'I do not know, something went very wrong in that family.'
    asddas193 and Tjf like this.
  3. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Well, it would, but you don't have to trouble yourself." She smiles. "If anything, I should be the one getting you gifts."
    asddas193, moonblack and unisol_gr44 like this.
  4. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    She accepts the tea gladly. "I won't let our own children turn out like that. So, we head back to the ruins?"
    unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  5. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Hmm. How about their route? Is it always the same, or do they change that up too?" Kyouka asked as she begins thinking up a plan to once more steal from the yakuza.
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  6. unisol_gr44

    unisol_gr44 CHYOA Guru

    'Maybe tomorrow would be better,' Jian sipped his tea, 'If we head out now, we'd have to spend the night there.'
    asddas193 and Tjf like this.
  7. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “No gifts necessary, I haven't done anything beyond talk to you yet.” Midori returned the smile. “Well, if you are interested, I saw the map for sale in a local shop. The shopkeeper is a busty blonde nanban beauty called Alessandra. The price was quite high and I did not know if it even works as expected, so I ignored it and bought a few things for myself. They were all what I was promised, but there's no way to be sure everything else sold there is what it appears to be.” She explained.
    asddas193, Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  8. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "When they're at war, they change up the route, but they only use the same few routes. I asked Kitano-San to think about mapping out some more, but he didn't listen." He shakes his head. "I must say, you don't seem less violent than him, but you do seem to be more capable."
    unisol_gr44 likes this.
  9. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Tomorrow it is, then." She kisses his cheek. "I'm going to go to bed, I think."
    asddas193 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  10. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Tiyaka nods her head. "Interesting. I'll have to pay this Alessandra a visit. For the map of course..." She chuckles.
    asddas193, moonblack and unisol_gr44 like this.
  11. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “Yes, you definitely should. The shop had quite a few things for sale – maybe something else will catch your eye too...” Midori smirked.
    Tjf, asddas193 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  12. unisol_gr44

    unisol_gr44 CHYOA Guru

    'Yeah, let's do that,' Jian finished his tea and started to undress. He wasn't amorous as he lied down with Chitsukiko, not in the mood after the events of the day. 'Good night, love,' he said and drifted off after an exhausting day.
    Tjf and asddas193 like this.
  13. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Hmm. Guess this'll be a long term plan then. Unless we openly declare war. I'll have to think more on this." Kyouka sighed. But with the old man's compliment, she grins. "Fufu. I'm plenty violent. Though I don't mindlessly attack, since I'd like for my prey to fight back at least." She said in a proud tone, before turning to Tatsu, "Say... how well are you liked by Kitano's men?" She asked as if she'd just gotten an idea.
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  14. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "I have no doubt." Tiyaka grins. "I trust that your taste will be as good as your mother's."
    unisol_gr44, moonblack and asddas193 like this.
  15. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    They awaken together the next morning, together on the futon.
    unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  16. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    He thinks. "They don't dislike me. Most are muscle, you know, fighters, so we don't really have anything in common. Most are smart enough to know the value that someone educated with numbers can bring to a criminal enterprise, though, so they treat me with some level of respect."
    asddas193 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  17. unisol_gr44

    unisol_gr44 CHYOA Guru

    Jian kissed Chitsukiko awake. After taking a morning bath and some breakfast, Jian headed out to the catacombs with Chitsukiko.
    Tjf and asddas193 like this.
  18. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “I hope so.” Midori returned the grin. “I think that's enough about work. Are there any particular spots in the capital that I should visit if given the chance?”
    Tjf, unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  19. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "So if you just happen to run at the cash caravan, with some wounds from "torture." You think they'll believe you if you say an ambush is waiting for them at their usual route?" Kyouka asked with a devious smile.
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  20. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    As they travel, borrowing horses from the clan stables, Jian feels another sting on his neck. He's not transported to meet Priya, this time, but he sees a vision of a way to reach the catacombs without going through the long and dangerous route through the ruins.
    unisol_gr44 likes this.