Winds of Ambition - Game Thread

Discussion in 'Sexual RPGs' started by Tjf, Aug 8, 2020.

  1. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    Kyouka's grin remained, even as her arms and wrists ache from the impact of his strikes. And with the alchohol still in her system, her sense of pain was still slightly numb. But even then, with how reckless his attacks have been, she was confident she'd be able to win. After all, a man who couldn't seperate his emotions was a predictable opponent. "Fuh, it's been fun." She said with an ominous smile, and just as he winds up for another powerful strike. Kyouka lunges at him as she stabs his chest with her blade.
  2. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Cute. Midori thought as she checked out the unknown samurai. She did not have the time to do anything more than check her out, though.

    Soon she was home and ready to report the completion of her task, but did not get the chance, interrupted by her mother. “Did something good happen?” She finally managed to ask as she looked at the excited woman.
  3. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Jurobei keeps being respectful through the entire meeting, keeping himself professional and giving advice when it was required. It was to both, assure Shogun of his dedication, and impress other Lords.

    As they were left alone, Jurobei turned to Shogun.

    "What is that you wished to discuss?" He asked respectfully.
  4. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Kyouka attacks, stabbing forwards. As the katana moves towards his chest, the redhead ronin expects to hear the familiar sound of steel piercing flesh, but instead, she hears her blade clang off of a metal breastplate beneath the man's kimono. She catches a glimpse of him grinning, as he grabs hold of her arm, throwing her to the floor with a thud, pain coursing through her back as it hits the wood. "Cocky, eh? Maybe you shouldn't fight with a hangover." He kneels on her sword arm, preventing her from using her katana, and pulls out his wakizashi short sword, the blade heading towards her throat. She knows that if it reaches her, she'll have lost the fight.
  5. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Her mother, brushing aside the myriad of official papers involved with her work as a minor clan administrator, carefully places a letter in Midori's hand. In elegant script, it reads: You have been selected for the Kusan, and are expected to present yourself at the Imperial palace within three weeks. Your lord, Jurobei Yokuboo, will provide transport to the city as required by law. "Isn't that wonderful? My own daughter being selected for the Kusan! I had to pull a lot of strings, but even so, I wasn't sure it'd work out. I'm so jealous that you get to see the Emperor."

    Midori is familiar with the practice of the Kusan. It is a tradition founded by Emperor Gotaka several decades ago, wherein several commoners from across the nation are selected every year to go to the palace and present themselves before their Emperor, so that the common subject can know who leads them. Many commoners have historically used the Kusan to begin careers in the Imperial court.
  6. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    The two walk through the majestic gardens of the shogunate castle. "Lord Sengoku, the Kampaku, has requested a meeting with you." Jurobei had never met Lord Sengoku, the emperor's famous general, nor had they fought a battle against one another, but both men are well are of the other's deeds. During the Imperial invasion of Koru Island, Lord Sengoku sent a force under his nephew to attack Jurobei's army, while he himself laid siege to the shogunate capital. Jurobei led the attacking army into a narrow valley, flanked it and utterly wiped it out, forcing Lord Sengoku to call off the siege, one of the legendary general's few defeats.

    "My shinobi report that he likely wants to recruit the shogunate forces to come to his side against the Empress Dowager, using the meeting with you as a cover, pretending that he's trading war stories wit an old adversary." Jurobei's snapped out of his reverie when she begins talking again. "I want you to lead him to believe that I'm on his side, but in reality, I want you to approach the Empress as well. We shall use their rivalry to pit them against one another, and crush them." She nods. "I understand that your clan has been wronged by mine, and I'm willing to make amends for that. Serve me well, and I shall restore to you the lands that were taken after the war."

    Jurobei thinks back to the time after his brilliant victory. Sengoku had returned with another army, and sent a small force to besiege a castle. Jurobei, upon hearing the news, simply ignored it, realising that Sengoku was setting a trap. The shogun's wife used this, privately denouncing Jurobei as a coward to the entire court, leading to Lord Yokuboo being stripped of command, having lands taken away from him, and almost being imprisoned. When her brother was appointed as the next leader of the shogunate army, and fell straight into the trap Jurobei had been trying to avoid, getting the army wiped out, the shogun's wife quickly fabricated a lie, claiming that one of Jurobei's brothers had betrayed the shogunate by giving Sengoku secret information. The shogun himself intervened to prevent Jurobei from being executed, not wanting to waste a skilled general, but Jurobei's favourite brother was executed, and the clan's reputation was dragged through the mud.

    "My mother has revealed to me what she did during the war. As recompense, I will give her to you once your task is complete, to do with whatever you will. Her schemes cannot go without punishment."
  7. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Heh." Kyouka chuckles, giving him credit for wearing a breastplate. Though in her hungover state, her reaction speed was reduced by quite a bit. And he was easily able to throw her onto the floor, trapping her sword arm. The redhead grins, "Heh. Very well, I'll admit defeat." She said just before the wakizashi pierced her throat, in a tone that harbored no ill will due to her defeat. After all, win or lose. What Kyouka seeked most was the thrill of battle. And he's proved himself to be capable just by wearing armor under his kimono.
  8. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Inazuma sit on knees and bow down low herself, putting her katana before her, to show respect for matriach. "You call for me, matriach." She said and listen what her mother said to her. Inazuma didn't show it on her face but news was important for her.
    "As you command matriach. May I ask, what kind of purpuse will be in that travel to kapital? "
  9. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    The samurai sheathes his blade, grinning as he helps her onto her feet. "Why don't we head up to your room, then?" He looks across the deserted room, people having run away in terror after seeing the fight. "Inkeeper, bring us a bottle of your finest sake, and ensure we're not disturbed otherwise." The samurai grabs Kyouka's chin, lifting her head up, before claiming her mouth with a kiss and slipping his arm around her waist. "I can see why so many men have taken you up on your offer to a duel to the death." He begins leading her up the stairs to her room.
  10. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Officially, he will be accompanying the shogun as she gives her oath of loyalty to the emperor. Unofficially, it is my belief that the shogun intends to scheme while in the city, using our lord as a pawn in her power games. You will ensure his safety, and serve him in any way he requires."
  11. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    As dark as the evening was getting, the room shined with all kinds of various objects in a silver glow. Her attraction to shiny things lead her to a hoard of things ranging from expensive looking tools, those small western knives that people either loved or hated. They seemed really useful to her. Had they tried getting the meat out of rabbits with just their teeth? It could get pretty annoying since you’d always miss all the good bits of meat. Some saw it as a betrayal to something to carry foreign objects, but it wasn’t any different than those crappy perfumes she also had. She stuffed those on a far corner, carefully sealed. The stench, and she meant stench, wasn’t easy on her nose. The shop all in all was one where people could go in and expect to one day find high quality umbrellas along with things that were literally just junk. She took a more freeform approach to gathering things to sell than most would, but she did still carry some things with shipments consistently. There was no reason to skimp out on providing people with nice clothes. Curious at the new arrival, she stepped into the front to survey this latest customer.

    “Looking to do some last minute shopping? What can I do for you?”
  12. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    A young man stands in front of the counter, looking at the various goods.
    "Ah, no, I'm afraid not. Apologies for having mislead you." He gives a formal bow. "You are Koyumi, yes, the owner of this store?" He pulls a letter from a satchel and hand it to her. "I'm from the Imperial court. You've been selected for the Kusan, to go meet the emperor." Reading the letter, the fox girl sees that it says the same thing he just did, as well as informing her to find transport with the patriarch of Clan Yokuboo.
  13. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Inazuma do her best in training on kunoichi to awoid worse fate of whore or prostitue for clan. But still it was hard with other task like protectic men, who bring shame and dishonor for her clan.
    "May I ask for my role in our Lord court? I will be as one of his servants or body to warm bed or official bodyguard?" Inazuma think it will be servant, because bodyguards can't enter everywhere. "How many men Lord will take with himself? How many samurais? Who will be in charge on escort?"
  14. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Jurobei stayed silent for a moment, remembering all the slights he received during that conflict. There was no way he would be satisfied with just mother - he would ensure the entire Aya clan fell. Shogun's plan was good - for a woman of her age. Simple, not taking into account other factors as well as much wishful thinking. It was doomed to fail.

    "I thank you for your goodwill Shogun, I appreciate it."

    Crush them? What a joke.

    "It is as you say, Shogun, my clan was wronged. There are many discontents in the clan, many voices calling for open rebellion. Aiding you as things are, might lead to trouble." He paused. "A sign of goodwill would be required to quell the rebellious voices - that's why I would request delivery of traitor first, so I can easily make my move... as well as a personal proof of your sincere intentions." Old man looked over her body, subtlety, but enough visibly for the woman to notice.

    He gave her an opening - would she use it, he wondered.
  15. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Those are questions for our lord. You will meet him on the road as he returns from the shogun's castle, and inform him that you are the Rai Clan representative for the trip, and are at his command."
  16. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “The Kusan? This is most unexpected. Thank you, mother! Thank you!” It took all of Midori's self control not to hug her mother in excitement. “This is most unexpected. I guess I will need proper clothes and some additional lessons about how to act when meeting the Emperor, his mother, and the other high-ranking nobles at court. But there should be enough time before I have to go, right? Thank you again for this opportunity, mother. If there's anything I can do to thank you – just let me know!” Midori bowed her head to her mother. Her gaze briefly fell on the older woman's bust, her mother's large and hard nipples visible through the rather thin kimono. “Oh, by the way, my task is complete, as you probably figured out already.” She added a moment later as she looked up at her mother's face again.
  17. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    She takes his hand as she gets up, "Oh? Interesting, think you can actually go all day?" Kyouka said in a challenging tone, just before he grabs her chin to take her lips. "Mmph." She moans into his mouth, slipping her tongue past his lips. "Fufu. You haven't seen... or rather, experienced anything yet." She said with a grin as she leads him back to her room. Once there, Kyouka removes the armored pieces of her bodysuit. Licking her lips while she asked, "So, how do you want to do this?" After all, there have been men that simply pinned her down. Or some still dazed by the fact they had won against her, forcing her to ride them just to quench her lust.
  18. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    The shogun looks back at him, realising his intentions. "I am... willing to prove my sincerity to my loyal vassal, though providing the traitor would cause complications. My mother used my father's passivity to build herself a power base in my court. If I were to have her arrested, it would be difficult to tell how her supporters would react."
  19. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Midori's mother chuckles, bringing her daughter in for a tight hug, her breasts pressing against Midori's. "You think I'd have my daughter underprepared to meet to Emperor? Of course, I'll provide you with anything you need." She notices where Midori is looking. "Oh, Midori, aren't you a little old to be thinking about your old hag mother's breasts?" She gives a good natured laugh, simply writing Midori's attentions off as youthful hormones. "Yes, I assumed you'd have no issues with an errand like that."
  20. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    She wasn’t in such a bad mood as she took a look at him. He was cute. She tried to connect dots in her head of which one he was, though it wasn’t too easy to keep track of every family and their kids she possibly met. But her daydreaming was cut short, at seeing the letter. Her face slightly stiffened at the news, but she still took it. “And I thought I was staying out of trouble.” She partly joked, but wasn’t thrilled at being the centre of this kind of attention.

    “I’ll do that, if I can just finish sorting a few things out first, if you don’t mind. If you don’t need to go back so soon, maybe take a look and see if there’s something you want? Or a gift for someone else. A girl, perhaps?” She made the suggestion, expecting a refined looking person like him to fluster a bit as she grabbed one of the perfume bottles from the counter and hesitantly opened it so she could apply the allegedly flower like fragrance that didn’t smell like flowers. She could see her daughter wince almost immediately from the bottle being opened and she was none too thrilled about it either. But she was even less thrilled about dogs, which the court was bound to have ready as guards. The scent would be confusing to them though she didn’t envy what it would do to their noses since her nostrils were burning already even if she fought back showing it on her face, taking the time to preen her hair and eye the man, who could see her groom herself into a small mirror. “Does it say what makes me so special?”