Winds of Ambition - Game Thread

Discussion in 'Sexual RPGs' started by Tjf, Aug 8, 2020.

  1. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Ho? Maybe she's jelous?" Kyouka hums as Tatsu sat next to her. "Up to me, is it? You'd usually have to win against me just to take me to bed. But... I can't be killing my own men now can I?" She whispered, "So, how about we see who can win in a different sort of "fight?"
    unisol_gr44 and Tjf like this.
  2. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    "Yesss..." Kina all but moaned. "When I'm done with her, she will be crawling to you, my lord, begging for cock." Oh, she would break the little cunt.
    unisol_gr44, asddas193 and Tjf like this.
  3. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    He leans in close. "And what sort of fight would that be?" His hand moves to stroke her thigh under the table.
    unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  4. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "She isn't stupid, though. She won't just let you wander up to her and give her spiked drinks. However, I have a plan." He smiles. "You're going to join the yakuza. Well, you're going to become a yakuza whore."
    majus, unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  5. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    She rises from the water, drying off and donning her expensive kimono. "I have a great deal of faith in you. Don't let me down." She leaves.
  6. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Mmh. How about we head upstairs and find out?" Kyouka asked with a grin, as she returns the favor by placing her hand near his crotch.
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  7. GenericEditor168

    GenericEditor168 Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    "I won't." He says, before turning back to her other servant. "Do you also have tasks to be getting on with, or are you free to keep going?"
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  8. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    He slips a hand around her waist, leading her to a room upstairs. The moment the door closes behind them, he's on her, kissing her hard and roughly groping her breasts, his demeanor at odds with his usual gentle and elegant way of carrying himself.
    unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  9. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    The blonde smiles at him. "If you're up to it, I'd be pleased to stay here with you." She touches his chest.
  10. GenericEditor168

    GenericEditor168 Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    He gently rubs her back, before washing his cock clean. "Oral?"
    unisol_gr44, asddas193 and Tjf like this.
  11. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    She nods, head dipping beneath the water. She feels his tongue on the tip of his draconic cock, licking around the head.
    GenericEditor168 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  12. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Airi feels her blade carve through the neck of her target, decapitating him with one clean stroke, just as she was trained to do. As she moves to report her success to the clan matriarch, however, she has a strange feeling. The bonds that tied her to clan Yokuboo have loosened, and she feels As she ponders this, a kunai flies into the wood of the roof next to her. Pinned to the kunai is a message.


    By now you've probably felt what I've done. Clan Rai is finally free, as am I. We can't celebrate, however. The curse placed upon us is strong, and if we aren't careful, it will return. I need you to come to the Imperial City. By the time you read this, I'll be dead, but of all my sisters, I trust you the most. When you arrive, see Lord Kasawara. He's a good man, and a friend, but be wary of the kunoichi he keeps with him. I'm not sure I trust her. Don't tell the matriarch that you're leaving, or any of the elder sisters. They've served the Yokuboo so long that they're loyal even without the curse.

    With all my heart,

    Your loving sister,

    Regin34 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  13. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    "Wouldn't be easier to pretend for you to leave, for her to have a chance to enslave me. I could pretend it worked, and as she would be enjoying my tongue, it would be perfect moment to slide some drugs into her." She passed. "But my lord, I shall follow your orders and desires."
    unisol_gr44 and Tjf like this.
  14. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Mmh. So you can be aggressive too, eh?" Kyouka moans as they reached the room, where she immediately takes off her breastplate. She then leads him to bed as she unzips her bodysuit. "Let's see if you can keep it up." She licks her lips in anticipation.
    unisol_gr44 and Tjf like this.
  15. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Too risky. She might anticipate that." He shakes his head. "To get to her, I want to destroy her power base, first."
    majus and unisol_gr44 like this.
  16. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    He pulls the bodysuit away from her curvy body, dominating her mouth with another aggressive kiss. As she challenges him, Tatsu grabs her arm and spins he around, until she's facing away from him, and pushes her head down until she's on her hands and knees on the bed, face down and ass up. Finally, he frees his substantial cock, and without ceremony, thrusts inside her pussy, fucking deep into her body, waves of pleasure assaulting her as he fucks her from behind.

    As it happens, though, a vaginal fuck was not what Tatsu had in mind. The ex-yakuza pulls out of her pussy, and collects her juices in his hand, After lathering them over her other hole, he inserts a finger, and then two. Finally, he withdraws his fingers, and presses forwards. As Tatsu enters Kyouka's asshole, she feels him slap her ass.
    asddas193 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  17. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Airi in first moment can't belive what she read. That must be some kind of tickery or bullshit, to test her loyalty. But handwriting of these letter look like too similar to Inazuma's hand.
    "Sweet older sister... What have you done...?" Airi ask in the wind, not sure what to think about it. Yes, she know Inazuma's dream is to get free their clan, as same as her own, but she never expected to happen that. She always thought, it will be etternity of slavery without any hope. But now...
    "I have to found answer! No matter what she done, I have to make sure she is realy dead and what kind men she collaborated. I don't know if I'm angry for you Inazuma for breaking peace or gradefull for breaking curse. But I have to find out." Airi said to herself and decided to make prepared for travel to capital.
    unisol_gr44 and Tjf like this.
  18. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    "What is your plan, my lord?" Kina asked, her tights grinding against each other, her body coiling with need.
    Tjf and Regin34 like this.
  19. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Aaahn!" Moaning as he fucked her pussy, which was quickly getting wet. Coating his cock with her juices. "Mmmhn... you're pretty different in private, huh? Maybe you could have used a mistress or two." Kyouka teased as he pulled out, knowing what he intends to do. She braces herself, curling her toes as he penetrates her asshole. "Hyyaaahn!" Shuddering from the slap, Kyouka tightens around his shaft.
    unisol_gr44 and Tjf like this.
  20. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Several days later, the fishing boat Airi hired arrives in the massive port of the Imperial capital. She steps down from the gangplank, wondering what Inazuma was thinking when she came here.
    unisol_gr44, asddas193 and Regin34 like this.