Winds of Ambition - Game Thread

Discussion in 'Sexual RPGs' started by Tjf, Aug 8, 2020.

  1. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    He reaches down to plunge his fingers in and out of her cunt. "I'm sending you to a brothel owned by a yakuza patriarch named Shibusawa, Oichi's yakuza contact. You're to catch his eye, become his mistress and dominate him. Once that's complete, we'll implement our strategy."
  2. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "I think...ah... I've already got one." Speeding up his thrusts, Tatsu ravages Kyouka's tight ass, both of them driven mad by the stimulation. He slaps her cheeks over and over, until they're a shade of red that matches her hair. "Fuck, boss, this feels amazing!"
    unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  3. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    "Massive... That city is massive, much larger than ours..." Airi thought ot herself as she leave boat, with big relief. Days of seasickness made journey for her nightmare and she hope she won't soon have to go back on water. As she enter to port, Airi decided to find lord Kasawra, mention in letter.
    unisol_gr44, Tjf and asddas193 like this.
  4. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    "Ahm!" Kina shuddered at Jakuboo's touch. She could not move sans opening her legs more, she could not see what enhanced what she was feeling even more.

    "What- Yh~ after I dominated the man~ Ugh?" She shuddered as her body climaxed. But it was not enough. It would take far more than that to satisfy her.
    Tjf, Regin34, asddas193 and 1 other person like this.
  5. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Haaah... mmmh!" Kyouka bites her pillow as he spanks her ass, "Aaahn... fuuuu. Really now... if you think I can take care of... mmmh... your urges every time you know." She said through delicious moans.
    unisol_gr44, Tjf and Regin34 like this.
  6. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    The young kunoichi has trouble finding Kasawara. The docks are a lower class area, so most people there aren't really aware of the locations of noble residences. As she moves into an alley, trying to reach a tavern to ask more questions, she hears a whistle behind her. Four men, gangsters by the look of it, eye her up. "Well hello there, sexy." The leader eyes her.
    unisol_gr44, asddas193 and Regin34 like this.
  7. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    He keeps playing with her pussy, keeping her at a constant simmer. "Report to me, and I'll explain the next part of the plan. She's made a lot of enemies, Oichi has, and we're going to exploit that fact."
  8. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    He continues to pound her, the sound reverberating through the room every time his hips collide against her. "I'll make you, then." He chuckles. "Ready for my cum, slut?"
    unisol_gr44, asddas193 and Regin34 like this.
  9. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Airi look at gangsters, trying to figure out which yakuza they belong and how many witness are around them.
    "Hello boys, thanks for kind words." She said as she create illusion on her face, with ugly scars after some sickness. For them it will look like they see her in better Light.
    Tjf, unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  10. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Aaahn! Fuuuuhn. Mm.. h-heh. Y-you think, mm, you're the first man to try?" Kyouka moaned, arching her back as she grips on her sheets. "Mm... fuu. Do it then." She mewled as she feels an orgasm of her own ready to erupt.
    Tjf, unisol_gr44 and Regin34 like this.
  11. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Not what I had in mind... I need to convince her to take me somewhere more private... Midori sighed mentally before giving Raika a look that was a mix of pleading and embarrassed. “Could you... help me test these? Please? Some place where we won't get disturbed by other people? I don't know how many customers you get usually, but... if someone were to walk through the door right now I will probably die from embarrassment...” She looked down briefly before looking up at Raika again. “Please? I'll make it worth your time...” She promised, trying to sound seductive without making it obvious.
    Tjf, asddas193, Regin34 and 1 other person like this.
  12. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    "Uhm!" Kina arched, pushing her generous chest as she climaxed again. Her stockings must have been drenched with her sex juices by this point.

    Then, she realised something.

    "Wait, do-es that mean, oh fuck, that you-u will be selling me toooo, Oh! A brothel?" Her mind went blank for a moment as another orgasm ravaged her body.
  13. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    They don't seem to be yakuza, just common thugs. When they see the fake ugliness of her face, they back away. "Er, yeah, bye." They leave the alley, losing interest in her as a target. Airi's reflexes tell her to pivot around, as she senses someone standing behind her. There, in the back entrance of the tavern, stands a huge man, with a bushy beard, wielding a club. However, her instincts tell her that he's not a threat to her. "Oh, you got rid of them on your own. Those punks have been harrassing people here for a while now. Sooner or later they're gonna catch a beating."

    The bearded man smiles. "That's illusion magic, right? Good job."
    unisol_gr44, asddas193 and Regin34 like this.
  14. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    He thrusts into her violently, over and over again. As her orgasm approaches, he grips her by the hair and pulls her back to face him, kissing her passionately. As their tongues dance, they both experience a mind shattering orgasm. Afterwards, laying together, Tatsu kisses her cheek affectionately. "I wasn't too rough, was I?" He seems to be back to his regular demeanor.
    unisol_gr44, asddas193 and Regin34 like this.
  15. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Raika looks at Midori, and then the door, and then Midori's breasts. "Okay, fine, we can go into the back room. But this better not be some kinda attempt at a robbery. I'm tougher than I look." She locks the door, and walks with Midori into a comfortable looking back office.
    unisol_gr44, asddas193 and Regin34 like this.
  16. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Airi look at him with concern. Not many people could by pass her illusion, so he must be someone imporntant.
    "Yeah, but not by me. I don't like leaving mess after myself and I don't have time to cleaning. Who are you? Local guard for lost maidens?"
    unisol_gr44, asddas193 and Tjf like this.
  17. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    When the blonde comes to her senses, Shintaro is still toying with her cunt, two fingers in her ass as well. "Nah, not selling. It'd be too obvious if I showed up with a slave in tow to sell them. You're going to go apply for a job."
  18. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    He chuckles. "Fair enough. No, I'm just the owner of this bar. Guarding lost maidens is just a hobby." He flashes a friendly smile. "So you're lost? Need some directions?"
    unisol_gr44 and Regin34 like this.
  19. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Aaahn... mmmh... please." Kyouka moaned, "You made me cum once. At best, you were just rough enough." She cooed, "But, you did surprise me. So you did good."
    unisol_gr44 and Tjf like this.
  20. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    "Thanks, I would be thankfull if you show me way to... " She ask for lord Kasawra and few others smaller lords in capital to not point one direction. "I hope one of them, will hire me up."
    unisol_gr44 and Tjf like this.