Post bug reports here!

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by airwreck, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    I seem to have an odd issue with two notifications showing up as new, no matter how many times I read them:
    Faulty Notifications.png
    I have read them many times, but a minute later I refresh the main CHYOA page and the same notifications show up as new. As you can see the story "The Gamer" has not been updated in over an hour, yet the notifications show as if they were received within the last couple of minutes.
  2. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thank you, moonblack! It looks like the worker was in a loop due to a timeout. The issue should now be resolved.
    moonblack likes this.
  3. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Yep, seems to be fine now! Thank you!
    Friedman likes this.
  4. JerkGently

    JerkGently Experienced

    Hi there,

    Don't know if this is a bug as such, but I appear to be unable to comment on my own story after the recent spamocalypse, it just pops up a little box saying 'no spam allowed'. Of course, having been hit by them too I understand why you have put up a filter, but can I just ask what the rules you've set are? Is it just a character limit? I am not known for my ability to limit the word-spew.

  5. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Would you mind sending me the comment in a private message? Then I can tell you what the reason is. I don't want to post the rules publicly.
  6. lazyhorny

    lazyhorny Virgin

    lately when i have been on and logged in and then closed down private browsing window afterwards withouth spesific choosing to log out on the page the browser remembered that i had logged in when i opend a new private browsing window later and i am logged in when i go to this is relativly recently started happening in like the last week and a half. no other webpages that i log into in private browser mode has been remembered in this way, only
  7. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    This is possible if you still have a window/tab in private mode open (no matter which website). Only when you close all windows/tabs in private mode, the sessions are discarded.
  8. lazyhorny

    lazyhorny Virgin

    i have closed the window completly and i open a new one later is being remembered but not any of the other sites i was logged into.
  9. lazyhorny

    lazyhorny Virgin

    i just opend private browsing for the first time today just now and i was instantly logged into when i loaded it up. this is the first time it has happend in a while. but i hadn't used private browsing or chyoa on my pc before just now today and i was logged straight in.
  10. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Do your browser use a password managing tool which logs you in automatically?
  11. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    Don't know what the hell was wrong, but it took five tries to like a post in story ideas just now including reloading the tab twice. (Google Chrome.)
  12. rvd1217

    rvd1217 Virgin

    An error I've never seen before, but while playing through the "story" type of a game I was being redirected to the the 'hub' chapter and something went a little off. I'm not sure what caused the issue but I can't return to the "game" I basically have to wait a day for it to not redirect me to my "current chapter" which is broken. and I get stuck at the screen that I've uploaded here.

    Attached Files:

  13. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    It seems that the linking destination of a chapter link doesn't exist anymore (got deleted). I'd inform the story owner/editor about that issue.
    If you know the previous chapter, you should be able to go back to that chapter using the story map.
    You also can reset your savegame if you add
    at the end of any link within the story

    I think this situation is something which should (and can) be handled better in the future.
  14. Ms. Hammer Critic

    Ms. Hammer Critic Experienced

    Not a sure thing. I've been experimenting with user styles and global dark mode extensions for a couple of months (not just here) and that flicker is just part of life with this site and Firefox in a way I've not seen elsewhere. I've taken to relying on story dark mode instead of a plugin because the persistent white navbar gives me some stability. The flicker is like a punch in the face on migraine days. If I'm reading the site on mobile, client-side CSS manipulation isn't typically an option -- those users for whom it is are edge cases. Simple as that.

    Passing the cognitive load to the user is a losing proposition for all sides, and consistently hearing "do it yourself" is the opposite of a good user experience.
  15. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    I experience the flickering as well if I use the already implemented dark skins.
    The reason is quite simple.
    The browser first loads the page in standard colors and only after the site is completely loaded ("document ready") the dark skin gets applied via javascript.
    So the flash time is the page loading time.

    It's no problem to do the same with the plugin. If a dark mode gets implemented, the bar might be dark as well.

    I don't use mobile for browsing at all, so I can't say much about that.
    (Call me old.)

    I'm just stating ways of how to work around issues.
    This is never meant as a replacement for implementing new features.

    There is a forum for suggestions to find out which features are most wanted. Taken the current number on the full dark mode suggestions (3+1 and 1+1), it doesn't seem to be an important feature.
  16. Ms. Hammer Critic

    Ms. Hammer Critic Experienced

    I should have made it clear that I know why this occurs, but the information might be useful for others.

    It aggravates me because there's clearly some lag parsing CHYOA's layout which doesn't exist for me on a number of other complex sites, but that's my own situation.

    Won't call you anything but a desktop or laptop user. How people use the web has less and less to do with age and more with what hardware they can access. Regardless of age, there are undoubtedly enough stealth fappers who use the site in a small, quiet space, making mobile support ideal. It sounds like you probably have access to site analytics, which might help nail this down.

    It's impossible to know intent without an explanation like this, and it's very easy to alienate a non-tech-savvy user.

    Have you considered sharing your customizations someplace like Github or Userstyles for people who would find the manual setup intimidating? (Pity about Stylebox Social.)

    I have to wonder what traction the feature would get with a merged thread (or fresh thread with redirects) and a bit of a nudge. Dark mode or night mode is stunningly popular right now as part of greater digital wellness pushes.
  17. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Why should there be a lag?
    Every page needs some time to load the DOM and then gets the document ready event. Now, the site is ready to use and you could click on links or sth. And just when you reached that point, dark mode gets assigned.

    Oh, I have a smartphone. I just don't like reading small letters and can't bear writing on a touch screen ^^

    Well, no... maybe Friedman has some stats about mobile.

    I only use customizations on google to REALLY highlight the search term since some browser didn't highlight it text at all.

    See here for a quick shot at a dark mode. Like stated there, if someone is interested in doing that, I would help with that.
    After that, if there are some samples, they could be added to the CHYOA Guide.

    Like stated on other threads, I'm wondering why some suggestions get so few likes though they seem so popular from what you read on the rest of the forum.

    Well, feel free to show users the way to the suggestion forum.
  18. grimbous

    grimbous Really Experienced

    I just had a chapter where the linked photos (which had been working) in the chapter just disappeared. Not the usual broken link symbol from a bad link but actually disappeared completely both in the normal reading page as well as in the edit chapter screen. They're just gone.

    Anyone else run into this?
  19. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    This seems to be a hotlinking issue.
  20. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    Did the forums just go down for like five minutes? I couldn't get a live version...